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Have I killed my QHY5?


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Hi Folks,

Have recently replaced my failing laptop and am now preparing it's replacement for guiding/capturing.

I've installed the qhy5 drivers (and update).

I've installed the latest PHD.

XP recognises the qhy5 but PHD refuses to talk to it: "No camera"

I've tried a couple of other webcams and PHD is working fine with them.

Have i missed something?

(I havent installed ascom or anything else yet but I dont think that's necessary)

Any thoughts, or ways to confirm the qhy5 is still alive?


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Thanks for the suggestions folks - I tried various windows programs, no joy. Even tried an old vista machine I had, same problems.

I switched and tried the webcam drivers - WDM 1.3 off the qhy website.

Worked first time - am back in business.

Don't know what vital step I was missing with the standard drivers but hopefully this will work.

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As a Microsoft Tech, I can tell you this much. (I'm not sure if this applies in your case but it might help other users)

Sometimes when you download updates to a windows operation system, you MAY have an update that does not "play nice" with the existing drivers...

especially if the present drivers were written by another vendor. Microsoft drivers usually work fine with other Microsoft products but again, the

update may think that it's doing you a favor by replacing "old" code with nice new code (That doesn't work at all with your stuff)

I've even updated my machine and had my video drivers revert back to a lousy driver. ..AAAGGGHH! :)

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Thanks Vanilla - i think this may well be part of my problem - i had my old laptop sorted so switched off auto update and never touched anything!

My new one is fully up to date and doesnt work with the qhy drivers.

Seemed to be working ok last night though with the wdm drivers so going to stick with that.

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