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How do people print their images?

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Obviously we all put a lot of work gathering data and processing images, it seems like a waste for the finished image to just sit in a folder on the laptop. It would be great to be able to print them off (without converting to JPEG) and put them on the wall or make callanders etc. So what's the best option?! Does anybody use those home photo printers? It would be nice to get a bit bigger than standard photo size (if the images are up to it! :D) or is it a better option to use a proper printing company?


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In America here i use Smugmug pro and Bay Photo in California to print. Either real kodak lustre finish,thinwraps, metal and canvas are the better choices. Home printing is not really a good option if you intend to sell your work which i do.

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for one off prints a decent home printer and good photo paper can produce great results

there are a lot of online printers these days you can send high quality images to and they send you the prints
I've had a few large canvases done from pictures at a very reasonable cost

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I don't think my images are worthy of selling! :D yeah, I thought using printing companies would be the better choice, I remember trying once and it would only use jpegs what company did you use old pink? And is that why you use smugmug leveye? It would be nice to be able to run them off at home giving the opportunity to experiment with what size you can get away with etc. but I guess it wouldn't be cost effective?!

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I recently had some non-astro images printed off in a pharmacy using one of those Kodak machines. They were printed off on full high gloss paper and cost about 50 cent each. They were only the standard size (6x4). I'm sure the machines can print up to about A4 size.................which i assume is more expensive, but the quality of print is really very good.

I do have a small Kodak photo printer and high gloss paper, but i think the ink cartridges have dried up. 

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I recently used photobox.co.uk for the first time to get actual photos (real photos on photographic paper) and I commented on the submission form that they were astrophotos and therefore contained large areas of black etc and that they should process with care due to the extreme contrast.

I got an email back telling me they would be hand adjusted!!

The photos were very cost effective and were delivered in 48 hours from submission to the Hebrides and the quality was really excellent.

Big thumbs up for photobox.co.uk

The only downside is they can only accept Jpegs.

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