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M35 reprocess

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I have started my journey in processing, looks like it's going to be a long one. :grin:

I purchased Imagesplus just after Christmas and with all this cloud around thought I ought to

knuckle down and see how it all works.

Here is a comparison of my original M35, this had no real processing, straight out of DSS.

The second image is aligned, combined, dark optimised, etc in Imagesplus.

Now I have'nt finished with this, WIP, there is a lot in this program I have'nt a clue about, yet.

Anyway here is M35 I have posted before followed by the reprocess.


15 lights 180secs@iso800

28 darks

25 bias

Setup as my sig.

DSS Image


Reprocess Imagesplus


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Nice one Mike, love the way that top cluster has sprung out and come to life.

I hardly even noticed it in the first image :)

Question is do you think if you made the effort you would be able to get close to this quality with DSS, photoshop or is it no contest?

I have the difficult decision between imageplus and pixinsight ... but I plan on continuing my research for another 6 months before I choose.

This gives me plenty of time to continue collecting data on my favourite things M82, M101, M106 ...

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Thanks Christopher.

With DSS no, it's not really made for processing.

Photoshop, I have not got, may be in the future but most swear by it.

I have'nt tried PI so I cannot compare but looking at other members images that do, I would think it has the same or may be more features.

I chose Imagesplus because Jerry Lodriguss refers to it in his CD books and it seemed to produce nice images.

It did'nt cost an arm and a leg, downside obviously we get clobbered with VAT when it arrives.

I'm happy for now.....just want more imaging time. :grin:

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It's been said many times on astro forums, 17 Darks max, anything over that is wasted?

Might be worth a play with maybe 15 darks and less Bias, maybe 10?

Give it a try and see if it's better or not?



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It's been said many times on astro forums, 17 Darks max, anything over that is wasted?

Might be worth a play with maybe 15 darks and less Bias, maybe 10?

Give it a try and see if it's better or not?



Really? My understanding from most of my research is that you need at least 20 to 30.

But if you really want good results you should push up your darks to like 64. (1/8th dark noise will be left.)

See these comments here ... just want to keep things open to discussion.

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Interesting read, not sure I agree with all of it? I would like to see some of the images taken with this amount fo darks etc..

I am happy with my DSO images and as far as I'm concerned that's all that matters!  :smiley:

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Huge improvement. There are two things I'd watch. FIrstly the background is pretty dark. Process a nebula with the black point cut back as hard as this and you'd be clipping data, a terrible crime known as black clipping! Then you have an issue with green noise, seen in the smaller cluster whose number I can't remember. It is a reddish, evolved cluster and this is trying to show in your image but it's been slightly invaded by greens. In Ps you'd download the free plug in Hasta La VIsta Green from the Deep Sky Colors website or in Pixinsight you'd run SCNR green. Either would zap the problem in a click. How to attack it in Images Plus I don't know.

I've never heard it argued that too many darks are disadvantageous. What I do find, though, is that darks can be harmful as well as beneficial and I no longer use them in standard form. AstroArt 5 and some other preprocessing packages allow you to substitute a Bad Pixel Map or Defect Map. This is made from a master dark from which you black clip 2000 ADU. In AA5 it has a box of its own on the stacking page and a master bias is used where a dark would normally go. It produces a cleaner, and sometimes much cleaner, result for me.

Both PI and Ps have functions without which I'd be sunk so I flit between both. What a tart!


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Thanks very much Olly.

Yes.......I did notice the green and the background.

Trying to work my way through the various tutorials in Imagesplus, think this might be a long process for me.

No idea yet what all the functions do and this image was just a quick stretch in Digital developement.

I have'nt got PS yet, been thinking about it, don't want a monthly sub, looking for a reasonably priced earlier version.

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