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Webcam Software


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Hi everyone,

im just looking for some software to allow me to use my webcam to take a short video of Jupiter but im having trouble finding some. the webcam doesn't have any software available that can be found on the website

Thanks :) 

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+1 on the Sharp Cap.

If you use that make sure that you can get full control on all the settings. I bought a cheap webcam and when in Sharp Cap the webcam doesn't allow full control of everything. In the end I bought a cheap xBox webcam for under £5 new delivered.

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Generally I think it's that the camera driver doesn't offer access to the camera controls when that happens.  SharpCap does, as far as I'm aware, offer pretty much all the useful stuff that the driver advertises is available.


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James is correct - SharpCap offers everything it can in the right hand panel. Some webcam drivers are better than others at making sure all the controls are made available in a way that SharpCap (or other applications) can use directly. Other drivers have extra controls only available in the 'Video Capture Filter' and 'Video Capture Pin' dialogs. These dialogs are provided by the driver, not SharpCap - SharpCap just gets to tell the driver to show its dialog.

The worst drivers don't even let SharpCap get at the basic controls like gain or brightness and only make those available in the 'Video Capture' dialogs (Hello Philips SPC900 - I spent weeks finding a workaround for this as it was such a popular camera).

The whole idea behind SharpCap was, as much as possible, to let you control the camera without bringing up those extra dialogs as they just make the whole process much harder - particularly in the cold and dark and while wearing gloves!


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Cool thank you. ive used sharpcap before and i just couldn't remember the name :)  is there any software out there that will allow me to use my pc to video using my d5100? ive seen the camera control pro 2 but i didn't really want to  pay for it 

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