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2 hour nightmare

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Just chalk it up as a bad day and learn from it. I think everyone must of had at least one bad session when they finished thinking it was a waste of time. In the end it drives you on for the next session after you gather your thoughts and you learn from it.

Even though I've only had a scope for 8 weeks I've had failures as to be expected, but I can't wait to get out and try again even if it is with something different.

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In the few years I've been doing this I can honestly say that I've never had such a catastrophic failure such as last night, incidents like,

Dodgy power connector to mount
The laptop deciding it needed to restart 3 times
PHD 1 & 2 not playing ball with guidecam

The list goes on, thankfully the forecast is good for the next week so I can try and iron things out today ready for the next session.

Cheers lee

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In the few years I've been doing this I can honestly say that I've never had such a catastrophic failure such as last night, incidents like,

Dodgy power connector to mount

The laptop deciding it needed to restart 3 times

PHD 1 & 2 not playing ball with guidecam

The list goes on, thankfully the forecast is good for the next week so I can try and iron things out today ready for the next session.

Cheers lee

Check my forum thread on last night. I feel for you!!
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I think everyone has nights like that.  I try and tell myself that at least if I can learn one thing from the session about where something went wrong, then it's not been time totally wasted.  That and try to resist the urge to start kicking things.

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I had a similar experience on Friday night.  In the end it was all down to a power supply connection problem, but I was getting really hacked off by 10pm, having started setting up at 8pm :(.  This is not something I will mess up on again (famous last works I am sure  :tongue:).

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In the few years I've been doing this I can honestly say that I've never had such a catastrophic failure such as last night, incidents like,

Dodgy power connector to mount

The laptop deciding it needed to restart 3 times

PHD 1 & 2 not playing ball with guidecam

The list goes on, thankfully the forecast is good for the next week so I can try and iron things out today ready for the next session.

Cheers lee

Hi Lee ,

Sorry to hear of your problems but last night I just didn't bother setting the stuff out as the haze never seemed to leave the sky. I usually look at the Moon and if it is surronded by haze then I know it is a no go, It got better about 2 am but by 3 am it was back to being hazy. As for the equipment going funny the gremlins are at work against us all the time but to be serious the Digital Tv reception has been very poor in the last few days up here this usually happenes when the weather is on the change, it maybe due to build up of static in the air or something else and these could affect electronic equipment mostly USB connections, well that is my theory anyway. :eek:



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Hi Lee ,

Sorry to hear of your problems but last night I just didn't bother setting the stuff out as the haze never seemed to leave the sky. I usually look at the Moon and if it is surronded by haze then I know it is a no go, It got better about 2 am but by 3 am it was back to being hazy. As for the equipment going funny the gremlins are at work against us all the time but to be serious the Digital Tv reception has been very poor in the last few days up here this usually happenes when the weather is on the change, it maybe due to build up of static in the air or something else and these could affect electronic equipment mostly USB connections, well that is my theory anyway. :eek:



I love this theory! More static in changing weather!! Cool!!

I'm gonna use that as my excuse from now on!!


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Just to let you all know, its taken me TWO HOURS to get anything to work together tonight, everything finally settled down at 1.24am

Not a happy bunny at all,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I feel your pain. Spent an HOUR trying to frame and focus the leo triplet by which time it was heading into the bad LP muck, then started shooting in jpg, cos i forgot to switch it over from test shots, then the dec clutch decided to magically disengage. The camera must have been feeling left out, cos it decided to join in and rotate half way through shooting, only i didnt notice, so half of my data doesnt match the flats. Then at the end of the session i stuck the wrong dustcap over the camera when taking darks... i put the one with the hole on.. so my darks started looking like flats :)

Dss has thrown a wobbly and wont stack my barlowed m13, doesnt like the flats for the non barlowed m13 and generally likes to give my raw files a nice green tint. The leo data is terrible because of lp and only 12 subs were usable out of 30.

That said, i did remember to turn off the ra motor when taking darks and i did find the leo triplet (which is totally invisible to me in bins or the 40mm ep).


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