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Editing a Post?

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Tbh, even if I notice I have made a typo I would rarely go back and edit the post.

If I found that what I had typed really wasn't typed as I had thought it, fingers not working with the brain and it gives the wrong thought, then I would want to edit it.

I'm sure no one wants to offend anyone in here, however I can understand at times things may get heated and in order for the mods to deal with a reported problem they need to know what is there. On the other hand even if things could be edited I would expect that if the Report button is hit them that whole post of not topic should be copied to an area for a mod to view to see how it was at the time of the complaint. They can then deal with it as they see fit.

So in essence if the edit button was available for everyone to start with and the report worked the way I suggested then it wouldn't matter.

Oh and there will always be bad spelling, text talk, sarcasm and someone attempting to be humorous, with that we will all have a different view on the way we take it. If it offends or you dislike it, then just ignore it.

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For Robbo AR: When you asked "What the hell do you rant about concerning astronomy.......?"

I gave 2 and said there was a 3rd, just remembered it was the other old one of "Goto or not Goto".

That used to get people going as well.

They all seem to have quietened down recently.

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Lol, I even spelt my name wrong in one post... And couldn't edit it, felt like a right douche!! Roll on 250 posts, my spelling is terrible! LOL, and thank god for spell check on the iPhone haha


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Just a quetion...

I know you're able to see the sell-buy section after 30 days and 50 posts...

How is it possible for me to already see the sell-buy section ?? Yeah, I've got 50 posts but I'm not even a member for a week !

Me confuseddd

Mod Edit: I have edited your comment to remove an attempt at covering up an intended swear word. This is not allowed under our CoC

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Just a quetion...

I know you're able to see the sell-buy section after 30 days and 50 posts...

How the beep is it possible for me to already see the sell-buy section ?? Yeah, I've got 50 posts but I'm not even a member for a week !

Me confuseddd

From the CoC

The Buy & Sell section

Access to SGL's buy and sell section is a privilege that has to be earned, You can do this by accumulating 50 posts to view / buy from the classifieds and 250 posts to place an advert in the classifieds.

Hope that clears it up.

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If you think that's bad, you ought to try moderating an angling forum :argue:    :rolleyes:

Yeah, I'll bet that there's always something fishy going on ;)

I'll go and align my finder on a distant object now......

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All, I'm just doing my best to get to 50 posts first to see the Buy & Sell section.  I've made a few typos, mainly when I have been used my Kindle Fire with predictive text.  On my laptop at the moment so no excuse....

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Hi All, I'm just doing my best to get to 50 posts first to see the Buy & Sell section.  I've made a few typos, mainly when I have been used my Kindle Fire with predictive text.  On my laptop at the moment so no excuse....

Be careful you are not seen to be collecting posts just to see the Ads.

Post farming is not seen in a good light...... :smiley:

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