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I can't click the order button yet - Advice / confirmation :)

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So I have everything in my shopping basket ready to order - but i cant quite make that commitment..

Sanity check 

will I really see the benefit of this package ???????

Skywatcher Evostar 80ED DS-Pro & HEQ5 PRO £1190


Skywatcher Evostar 80ED DS-Pro & Skywatcher EQ3 PRO Synscan GOTO £895

Do I really need the HEQ 5 ??

Would the money save from the mount be more beneficial on some extra eye pieces to enjoy the scope with ?

and a better power bank ???

What would you get ? I'm unlikely to get another telescope for another year.

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Are you going to be imaging with this? If so, yes absolutely the HEQ5 will blow the smaller mount out of the water and is well worth it.

For visual, I really can't help I'm afraid. I never look through the scopes!!!

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Are you going to image with it? Yes? No?

If it´s for pure Visual observation, I would not go with either, but rather with something like this instead:



And if you really want GoTo, then instead of the Porta II Mount, this one for example:


But if you plan to do long exposure DSO imaging, then yes the Evostar 80ED + HEQ5 Pro combo is the way to go for sure!

A very good imaging starter package!

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I did look at this But i thought at only 4 KG limit doesn't allow for any expansion really.

True. the 100ED is pretty much max you can use it on it really. Nice for Visual tho. Easier to setup.

But as you are interested in imaging. Stick to your initial plan and go for the Evostar 80ED + HEQ5 Pro combo.

On a darksite the 80ED will give you nice widefield views.

And for imaging it´s really one of the better scopes to start out with.

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You will need the T ring that you have linked to. Then the 80ED has an SCT thread on the end of the focuser, not a 2", so you then need an adapter from the T ring to the SCT thread on the focuser.

Not sure whether you'll need an extension tube to reach focus - Hopefully someone can offer their experience on that.

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Ok one last question:- i have a Olympus 520 Four thirds camera.

Which one of these will fit the ED80 ?



or are they the same thing

Just give FLO a call and he will help you with the order and the adapters you need.

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I've ordered ...........  scary lots of money lets hope it a good choice. Had to get the eq5 pro instead of the heq5 pro it was too much as i had to buy power as well....... oh well hopefully it will last.

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I've ordered ........... scary lots of money lets hope it a good choice. Had to get the eq5 pro instead of the heq5 pro it was too much as i had to buy power as well....... oh well hopefully it will last.

No no no!

I would have still gone with the HEQ5Pro, use a standard 12V power adapter in meantime and continue to save up for a battery pack later on.

As you can buy a cheap leasure battery with female car sigarette light connector cheap.

Which are better than those expensive overpriced powertanks!

I am honestly a little dissapointed if FLO didnt give you other cheaper options / alternatives on this? :-/

So I would definitely call back and change the order.

As if you gonna be serious in photography you going to regret it later!

The HEQ5Pro is really THAT better of a mount.

So call back and change the order!

Plenty of people here that can give you advice on cheap alternatives to power your mount!

Never skimp on the mount over something silly as a powerpack!

In worst case I rather have my mount collecting dust for a month, while I save up for a battery pack.

It's exactly similar as what I did myself. I recently bought the best mount I could afford ( NEQ6 Pro ) and now Im waiting till June when I will have the money to buy the scope.

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To be honest the difference was nearly £200 - £300 pounds by the time I was looking at the other stuff I was going to get e.g power / battery / camera adaptors / a new roof for my shed to house it all with a new flat concrete floor / + car service/MOT coming up :(   - - - and as £800 was my original budget for a scope -  I'm already over that by £200 pounds at the current cost of £1000.

If I ordered just the scope and the heq5 with adaptors it would have been over £1290  - I couldn't justify that right now. 

I do have a few gel batteries at 17 and 40 amp/ph lying around with adaptors which I can use to save buying power packs etc, 

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To be honest the difference was nearly £200 - £300 pounds by the time I was looking at the other stuff I was going to get e.g power / battery / camera adaptors / a new roof for my shed to house it all with a new flat concrete floor / + car service/MOT coming up :( - - - and as £800 was my original budget for a scope - I'm already over that by £200 pounds at the current cost of £1000.

If I ordered just the scope and the heq5 with adaptors it would have been over £1290 - I couldn't justify that right now.

I do have a few gel batteries at 17 and 40 amp/ph lying around with adaptors which I can use to save buying power packs etc,

Why not wait with the adapters and use it for visual for the time being??

You need plenty of time anyway learning the mount, polar allignment, etc anyway.

But thats just me.

This is really not something you should have rushed into, just because you want to buy everything right now.

As it will only lead to regret later on.

As the mount is the most important element when it comes to astro photography!

Which is exactly why I now spend everything I could on the NEQ6 Pro and wait it out till June to buy the scope.

So now you made consessions on the mount, instead of elsewhere. :(

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It's not too late to change your mind - get the HEQ5 Pro and a cheaper scope for the time being - you can always save for an imaging scope when finances settle down. Just speak to FLO and they'll sort you out.

Or you could go for a second hand doublet and maybe save a bit - but the mount is very important for imaging - you'll only end up selling the EQ5 at a loss in order to upgrade eventually. HTH :)

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I have to admit I would also go for the HEQ5. 

I agree with everything said if you want imaging - then the HEQ5 is a MUCH better mount. If it was me I would cancel the ED80 and get a ST102 instead. 

Then upgrade the scope later. 


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Looks like he made up his mind, didn't change the order and fled the forums. ;)

Such a common mistake People keep making over and over. Making concessions on the mount, instead of elsewhere. Ignoring the importance of the Mount. :(

Ah well, all we could do is give him advice. It's up to him what to do with it. It is his money to spend.

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Actually I had a urgent meeting at work and only just got home :- fled the forums - lol - no still here. I have just read your replies. I didn't have time to contact flo to change the order before they shut. Hopefully have a look tomorrow. I only have an iPod at home so Internet is over my phone.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

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Actually I had a urgent meeting at work and only just got home :- fled the forums - lol - no still here. I have just read your replies. I didn't have time to contact flo to change the order before they shut. Hopefully have a look tomorrow. I only have an iPod at home so Internet is over my phone.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

No probs. Just a little tease. :D

If they haven't shipped yet, it shouldn't be a problem to still change the order in the morning. :)

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