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27/2/14 White light.


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Well I can't say for certain what happened today but I'm quite happy with the results, I haven't changed anything and it was pretty windy out too. So much so it broke my makeshift finder scope filter so I hope I have some visual solar film laying around somewhere.

This was a stack of 20 taken with my 150PL, Canon 450D and Baader ND3.8







edit: Note to self, use bigger flickr links. :p

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Very crisp Jarrod.  I especially like the close up of 1990, you have captured a lot of granulation there.  The annotated disc has some many numbers, it must have taken as long to add them as it did to capture it in the first place?


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Very crisp Jarrod.  I especially like the close up of 1990, you have captured a lot of granulation there.  The annotated disc has some many numbers, it must have taken as long to add them as it did to capture it in the first place?


Cheers, the close up is basically a full size crop from the original disc and it shows off quite nice. Very close to getting more detail out of it still.

That's why I annotated it, lots of spots and lots of numbers make it look even more busy.

I should have added, don't change anything!  In fact nip round to 'Brico' get a bag of quick set concrete and permanently fix everything as you have found the wining formula.


Tell me about it, I was so careful bringing the scope in and knocked the leg at the last moment.

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Excellent pictures :smiley:

Is it unusual for the spots to spread in the centre third like they are now? the top and bottom look almost clean (it is more obvious now the orientation is facing us full on) .

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Your close up is incredible detail for a crop from a full disc. Perhaps the seeing was very good today? Get another tomorrow and we know you have cracked it.


No idea, I wouldn't of thought it was any better than normal given the wind and the Jetstream but there is more to it than that I guess. Maybe though. Could just be a focussing success and if that's the case then it's repeatable.

We'll see, hopefully the clouds give way soon.

Excellent pictures :smiley:

Is it unusual for the spots to spread in the centre third like they are now? the top and bottom look almost clean (it is more obvious now the orientation is facing us full on) .


OK, I don't think I know the answer for sure but I'm going to say something with the confidence to make it sound like I know what I'm talking about.(ignore this preface then :D)

I think yes it is pretty normal because as far as I know spots in the northern solar hemisphere all normally have the same magnetic polarity and in the southern hemisphere the polarity is reversed. So it would lead me to think that in the centre of the magnetic field there should be some kind of conflict between the polarity of the regions causing the surface to be slightly more unstable.

Sounds good anyway. :D

I'd like to know if I'm there or there abouts too. :)

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When the cycle starts all the active regions are nearer to the poles, as the cycle progress they gradually migrate towards the centre. If you look at a butterfly diagram this will be very apparent (hence the butterfly wings :)


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