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Source for LED Reticle Illuminators

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Has anyone seen a supplier for replacement red LED illuminators (for polar scope, finder or reticle eps)?

I need a new one for a meade 12mm illuminiated reticle ep, but also thinking of modding a SW finder scope and my older HEQ5 Pro.

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You mean the part that screws into the side of the eyepiece, that contains the switch, batteries and LED?

Thanks James - exactly that part, with preferably a rotary switch/dimmer.    They look like something that's mass produced, though possibly not specifically manufactured for the astro market.

Incidentally, having noticed your current avatar, this pub is not far from where the kids go to school:


Being "of a certain age" it always reminds me of Noah and Nelly :D

I'm sure that's not what Marston's had in mind when they named it...


It was quite a wacky cartoon series, which followed on from the Rhubarb and Custard cartoons - The avatar's only a temporary one to fit with recent extreme weather, should be ok in perhaps another 40 days and 40 nights ;)  Hopefully I can revert to my more usual Animal avatar!

I quite partial to some Marston's ales, particularly now they've brought out most of the other decent brewers/brands - but something about that pub that just doesn't do it for me, I hate the homogeneity of corporate pub land.     Real Pubs, Real Beer and Cider for you West Country Yokels ;)

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Thanks James - exactly that part, with preferably a rotary switch/dimmer.    They look like something that's mass produced, though possibly not specifically manufactured for the astro market.

There was a thread about them relatively recently -- last few months, I think.  I can't find it for the moment, but I will post it if I do.


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Aha!  There's this rather extortionately priced one:  http://www.scopesnskies.com/prod/120.html

Or this rather less expensive one:  http://www.robtics.nl/product_info.php?cPath=31_42_216&products_id=1274&pID=1274&language=en

I  think the first is more than I paid for my entire illuminated reticle eyepiece.


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Aha!  There's this rather extortionately priced one:  http://www.scopesnskies.com/prod/120.html

Or this rather less expensive one:  http://www.robtics.nl/product_info.php?cPath=31_42_216&products_id=1274&pID=1274&language=en

I  think the first is more than I paid for my entire illuminated reticle eyepiece.


Spot on James - I had been trawling the forums looking for links - a few nice DIY suggestions, though nothing as neat.   Then a few minutes ago I found the Agena illuminator @ http://agenaastro.com/agena-cordless-illuminator.html - this looks to be identical to the unit in your second link.

I have seen on ebay, illuminated EP for around £ 38 - and wouldn't you know it they now have two listings for the Agena illuminator from Teleskop Express @ £ 32 + 12.49 P&P,  bargain!

Robotics.nl looks like the best bet, but sure these must be manufactured out east for about a tenth of this price.

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Is your old one non-serviceable?  No way to take it apart and replace LED or batteries?

I'm after one for my Meade Reticle EP was the wired one, though the one on my Exos 2 polar scope is a little iffy - hopefully I can probably resolve this with some electrolube to clean the pot.     I'm also after a dimmer for the polar scope on my HEQ5, though found Mel's mod page earlier so will probably do it this way.

They would be pretty easy to machine up, especially if I could source a mini LED and modify this with a dimmer - though 22 Euros is not too silly if you consider the time spent in the workshop and sourcing parts/stock!

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Hmm, I can get a Takahashi one here https://www.astronomics.com/takahashi-cordless-illuminator-7-x-50mm-11-x-70mm-finderscopes_p3817.aspx for a mere 147USD!

I suspect they contain clear plastic moulded parts to transmit the light, could be difficult to reproduce.

The ones I have are just a small aluminium body, like an LED mini torch, with an 8mm or 10mm threaded nosepiece to screw into the EP or polar finder.     The nosepiece is bored out so the LED bulb is retained and held centrally.


I could just machine a nosepiece adaptor, for a cheap LED keychain torch - but really wants to be potentiometer controlled variable brightness.

I think in this case I shall just buy a couple of units from the robotics.nl site.

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Cheers Haitch - would be good, but expect it will make 35 GBP - added to my watch list :)

typed on my mobile with Tapatalk

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Hi Jake, I've got a spare Meade one, you're welcome to it, will bring it to IOW Star Party if you like.


Cheers Dave - That would be brilliant if genuinely spare, I will happilly donate to your ferry fund ;)

I was meant to be getting packed up ready tonight, but the sky cleared and I got first light on my newly refurbished Vixen R-200S (another thread) and shot a couple of runs of LRGB runs of Jupiter @F25 before the rain returned :)

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