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Jupiter and moons C6 SCT Canon 500D


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I took 2 movies - one exposed for the moons and one so as not to blow out the planet. The Backyard EOS was set to record video in the 5 x mode. The camera was set to 200 ISO I don't remember the other settings!

I created 2 pictures in Registax 6, one for the Moons and 1 for Jupiter and combined them in photoshop.



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Problem is, if you're anything like me, the chances to image are just so rare and fleeting at the moment, that all the best laid plans go out the window as you frantically try and capture some data :)

With good conditions and bracketed exposure, I think you should be able to get some colour on the Jovian moons and perhaps some detail at longer focal lengths - though a challenge with dslr. I would like to do this myself, if we get the chance - but needs good seeing, favourable alignment and preferably a nice GRS transit. Not asking too much then ;)

typed on my mobile with Tapatalk

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