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Dob filter wheel

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That's the thinking for me too. It's mainly for colour filters as I want to try them but messing about keep changing them is asking for trouble in the dark.

One advantage of the OOUK scopes for us is that there seems to be about 50mm of extension required to get focus and I for one use an extension to do so. therefore the focus position should not be a problem (in theory at least). e.g. for now I pull out my Paracorr by about 30mm to achieve focus. with this in place I suspect that I won't need to. then again it might possibly affect the normal paracorr position of course.

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Just wondering if anyone has had success using the Baader Q turret with the Skyliner 200p. it appears that it allows a filter to be put on the nose piece, so you can swap eyepieces without having also to move the filter between them.

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Wouldn't the filters get dew on them? I use a filter wheel although I don't use it for my dob, so much easier than filling about with filters/cases in the dark!

If you look down the page mike they do a dew heater kit for it. Probably be just as easy to give em a blast with the old 12v hair dryer though.

Edit: old slow hands on the key board again :D

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