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Finder Illuminator

Christopher Davenport

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The weather has been getting me down lately, so, i decided to try my hand at some modding.

This is my first mod undertaken on my kit. I only attempted this because I have a spare finder (30mm) and because not being able to see the cross hairs was driving me mental. So the idea was to insert a LED into the finder but not blind myself in the process.

First I got myself a tiny LED torch. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/290980298083?var=590160541313&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649

Drilled a hole in the finder plastic between the lens and the cross hair.

(Choose carefully as I almost took out my cross-hair.)

Paint the LED with wife's dark red nail paint, insert into hole and let dry.

Melt plastic a plastic clip and mold melten plastic to hold torch in place.



Then do a last dab of nail polish over the torch to make sure it is sufficiently cover. 

(Careful for the cross-hairs as I got a bit of polish on the arms.)


Anyway here is the finished product. What do you guys think?

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