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The Cone finialized.


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This combines recent data from the Tandem Tak / Atik 11000 setup with an earlier image from the Baby Q and Atik 4000 (or rather a pair of such images since the older image had focally reduced and native data.) In a nutshell lots of data from lots of setups! I spent a bit of time on the brighter stars using Layers and general tidying up since the first version I posted was a bit rushed. This is HaLRGB. About 15 hours or so, all in.


Crop of the Cone and Fox Fur;


Also of interest is the rather comet-like feature, Hubble's Variable Nebula. Although better known as a cosmological scale astronomer Edwin Hubble studied this object over many years both at Mount Wilson and, later, with the 200 inch at Palomar. I think a bit more focal length might be in order!  :grin:


The full res is here; http://ollypenrice.smugmug.com/Other/Best-of-Les-Granges/22435624_WLMPTM#!i=3056337293&k=cfM37HH&lb=1&s=O


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I like this Olly - Loving the colours and the detail is superb. The fox fur looks very interesting indeed for a larger focal length :grin:

Agreed - the Fox Fur nebula really looks like a fox fur, but needs a long FL to see the nice details.

Nice wide area view though Olly. This really is an interesting patch of sky.

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