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viewing Neptune's moon, Triton.


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I have tried to view the moon (14.15) before but failed. I think it was a case of too much lp and iffy seeing conditions.

I got the nice blue airy disc of Neotune itself and was at about 200 x but no moon. However thinking about it, adverted vision needed maybe?

So has anyone ever managed to bag Triton. if so, what were the conditions and magnification please!

tia, steve

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Well plenfy of views but no replies. Strange but I thought this moon would have been a fairly popular object to tfy to hit, maybe mybassumption is incorrect.

ok can I try another question regarding this, is a object ext to 14.15 goung to be reasonably viewable from a dark or darkish site with a 12 dob. Not sure myself as I am still gettoing to grips with this part of the hobby.

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Hi Steve,

Looks a challenge too far to me but I'm no expert. By comparison Io is 1.2arc seconds and a visual magnitude of 5.5. Triton is 0.1arc seconds and a visual magnitude of 13.8. So presumably you'd need a big aperture in a dark sky.

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Cheers Scooot n thanks for reply. I managed the 11 ish SN in M82 from a serious LP'D garden and so thinking a good dark sight with a 12" would be achievable, not sure of the sciencecthough so maybe I am barkingvup a wrong un.

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Here is a Sky & Telescope article on observing Triton which includes a little applet that will show you where it is in relation to Neptune:


At mag 13.5 its going to be borderline for me but maybe possible if everything comes together. I have spotted a mag 13.7 supernova from my back garden but it was somewhat dim !

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Got it in a buddies 16" Dob a couple of years back.

I think we were using a 17mm ethos + 2" Powermate in if I recall. I think that's about 220x in a 400p. But I may be wrong on the eyepiece used.

It could have been my 12mm Nagler + 2" Powermate (about 300x) its got me wondering now :D

The only thing I'm sure is 16" Dob with 2" Powermate eyepiece combo.

Not much help really am I

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