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I really do wonder about people sometimes...


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Have a talk again mate, even if it turns into a row. You shouldn't feel so annoyed that it sends you here to vent your fury.

if its not a subject the mrs will discuss, then maybe this isnt the forum you should be on for this one, sorry matey.

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Reminds me of a story:

A friend of mine (really), came home every evening to find the heating upto 28c. His solution was to fit a new thermostat that he could lock and to save all the wiring, he went for a wireless one.

He fitted it and locked it to a reasonable 22c.

He came home one evening (a few days later) to find the house sweltering.... On investigation he found his wife had placed the thermostat (which was after all, portable) in the fridge...  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:

Just goes to show - they're far more devious than we give them credit for.   :eek:

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  • 5 months later...


I assume that there is a transformer for the LED lights.

What happens if or when a fault occurs and the transformer is doing its best to burn your house down ?

How do you isolate the mains from the smoking appliance/lighting ?

Everything in my house from the central heating pump to the outside flood lights ( Yes I confess I have automatic floodlights, sorry everyone )

has a switch or 240 volt thirteen amp plug and can be isolated from the mains in a trice should an accident occur.

Sorry to be a killjoy.

Trust in the Lord and keep your Insurance Policy handy.


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  • 2 weeks later...

We're fortunate enough to live somewhere that is, locally at least, almost completely unafflicted by non-natural light.  During the winter this does make it a bit of a pain when my wife gets home from school with the kids and they need to get out of the car without losing stuff, so we have a couple of LED lights on IR sensors wired up to a switch in the utility room.  This seems to me a fair arrangement.

My wife has been redecorating the utility room over the last few weeks and her dad refitted all the light switches today.  I discovered between them that they have decided that it would be a good idea to just replace the switch for the outside lights with them wired permanently live so they'd come on any time, day or night, when the IR sensor was triggered.  They're hardly ignorant of the way I spend clear nights, but didn't even think to discuss the change with me.  I only found out when I realised one of the cats was triggering the light even though I'd switched it off.

I am, I have to say, somewhat dumbfounded.  I can think of so many ways that's such an incredibly stupid idea.  Yet not one appears to have occurred to either of them.

At least I found out before I switch the lights off and stuck my fingers in the cabling expecting it to be dead.


Lucky escape mate.  Don't quote me on this, but I think it's a legal requirement under the building control regs. that all new, altered or rewired installations of mains lights, sockets and appliances MUST have some means of isolating them from the rest of a circuit. (i.e. a fuse or a switch).

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