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Uncle Sam owes me one

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Tax time has come around again here in the states. Last year with my return I was able to not only get my first scope but my second as well.

Total spent between the 2 scopes and extra EPs and such was about $1200.

Now tax time is here again and I know straight out that most of my return will be spent on some sort of astronomy equipment. 

I would like to plunge a little bit more into AP, but not go head over heels.

As of now I have a Celestron Nexstar 130SLT and a Zhumell Z10. Ep's are a 38, 30, 25, 9, and 3mm. I also have a 2x barlow. For imaging I have an Orion Starshoot 5MP. With this years return I would like to spend about $1000. And that would have to include a DSLR. I'm figuring about 300 for the camera so that leaves $700.

Any advice on where to start looking (or what to look for) for a setup? Not wanting some of the outstanding DSO pictures I've seen on this forum. Just be able to take some images of lets sat M42 or M31 and share them on Facebook.

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The camera I can get used from a good friend. 

I guess the question boils down to whether or not I can get images of brighter DSO's with the goto mount I already have. I understand that a good EQ mount is often used as the sky rotates and you can't get that with an alt az mount. But it does track. So I kind of figured with a dslr on a goto mount that if I kept the exposures short I might be able to get some reasonable images of some brighter DSO's.

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I would consider upgrading the mount to something stronger which will be more supportive of the weight of the DSLR. Some of the fainter DSO's would need a good 5 minute plus imaging which requires a good mount with good tracking and in my limited experience 5 minutes is at the top end for "unguided" tracking, it really does require good polar/star alignment. So I would always prioritize the mount before the scope to be honest.

Echo the posts regarding the 60D and having it modded. There is also the Canon 60Da which is a belter though not sure what the price is stateside for that - deffo worth considering though (although you did mention the camera was already sorted from a friend).

Best wishes,


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If I spent a bit more on the mount, could I get some passable images using the ota from my slt? 130mm aperture and a focal length of 650 F5?

The problem with most of the 130 models is that they won't reach focus with a camera without some work.  Some people have moved the mirror up the tube a little to help with this.

Otherwise I'd say go for a decent mount.  It makes life so much easier.


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I was looking at possibly something like this. It is over the budget I wanted for a scope and setup but I think I could talk my fiancee into letting me get it. Maybe not this exact one but at least something similar. Any thoughts or suggestions for something similar? 

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There have been a few threads like this and my advice would be to get the camera and maybe one or both of the kit lenses and go with your existing mount for the time being, you should be able to get exposures of between 20 and 40 seconds which will show a lot of detail.

This will teach you all various processes used for imaging and give you an idea what is required if you want to take it further.


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There have been a few threads like this and my advice would be to get the camera and maybe one or both of the kit lenses and go with your existing mount for the time being, you should be able to get exposures of between 20 and 40 seconds which will show a lot of detail.

This will teach you all various processes used for imaging and give you an idea what is required if you want to take it further.


Is it possible to get exposures that long with a goto alt az? I've been kind of led to believe that 10 seconds would be pushing it. Also I was thinking with the DSLR mounted to the OTA that it might be too much weight for the mount to handle. If I move the tube manually up or down after aligning, the tracking gets disabled so I would worry that with the weight of the camera and T ring and adapter and so forth that any little jar would just make the tracking unusable and force me to reset and realign and then set up the camera again etc.

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Is it possible to get exposures that long with a goto alt az? I've been kind of led to believe that 10 seconds would be pushing it. Also I was thinking with the DSLR mounted to the OTA that it might be too much weight for the mount to handle. If I move the tube manually up or down after aligning, the tracking gets disabled so I would worry that with the weight of the camera and T ring and adapter and so forth that any little jar would just make the tracking unusable and force me to reset and realign and then set up the camera again etc.

I think some people have done even longer exposures, you would need a remote shutter release and could even mount the camera directly to the mount and use the zoomed in liveview to set up the goto as you would with the scope.

I am sure with a quick search you will find lots of images taken with this mount.


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Have a look at this thread http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/206174-bare-minimum-read-cheapest-kit-for-dso-photography/page-2 it is not easy but if you have the kit already then allways worth a go.


Thanks for the link. But it confuses me even more lol!

Maybe I'm making a bigger deal out of what I want to do with imaging. It would be awesome to get images of some of the DSO's that I've seen here and on other forums. My hats off to those that are able to capture almost Hubble type images of some objects. All I really want to do is capture a few things on any given viewing session and share them with family and friends and be able to say "This is what I got to see last night." 

From the way it sounds, I will just get the camera (which I was going to anyway) and get a T ring and adapter and just fool around with it with what I have so far. Maybe shorter exposures and lots of images stacked?

Or I've also thought about getting one of those mounts that attach to an EP and hold a smaller point and shoot camera for afocal images. I realize that it is not near as good, but it should be able to capture what I see through the EP. And it is a lot cheaper.

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Matt, the best way to gain experience is to just get on with it.

You'll be surprised at the fine Images you can capture  with even

a 50mm lens. the nearer the Celestial pole your targets are, that bit more exposure times you will get

before trailing becomes too intrusive. Star Trails are very impressive too though, and surely will impress your friends,

especially from really Dark Skies.

A simple Barn Door tracker is a good project to undertake for yourself.

You can motorise it, or operate it manually with care. If you are unaware of the device, do a search on the Web.

Lots of Info. on them, and How To Do It.

It will cost a few Dollars, and give you the impetus to do more once you have tasted success.

Go on, you can do it. You might even win a Picture Of The Year competition in the States :icon_salut:


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I've been leaning toward a Celestron VX mount. But not sure what type of OTA to go with it. There are 3 I could choose from that would still be within budget. An 8 inch newt,(1000mm fl f/5), 6" SCT (1500mm f/10)

or a 6" frac (1200mm f/8).

Of these 3 I was leaning toward the SCT. Smaller and more portable. But the newt has the largest aperture. Any suggestions between the 3?

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