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Round 2 Moon & Jupiter

Sean L

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Hey guys, I forgot to ask... jupiter seems pretty small in my picture. Is there something that you can use to zoom in with the scope or do I need a better scope? At the moment I have my dslr attached to a t ring and a Barlow 2x t adapter to bring the prime focus to where camera can get it clearly, so I'm not even sure of where I could put a zoom lens.. Cheers!! Shame it's a cloudy night :-(

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Wow great images!!!  Well done.

I have  SW 200P and that is about the maximum size of Jupiter I can get using my set up (my avatar pic is about the same size as your image).  Using a x2 or x3 barlow might result in a larger image but it becomes much harder to focus and the image become dimmer.

Can't fix a zoom to a scope as the scope is the zoom lens.  In the words of Martin Brody (from the film Jaws) ... "gonna need a bigger scope".


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Hi Sean,

I also use a 600D (on a SW200PDS). For Jupiter, try setting the video to manual and recording using the digital zoom function. You end up with a MOV file, but you can convert it with PIPP to AVI.

I used PIPP to generate BMP files from the video frames then converted all to JPG through Irfanview. I then cropped them all with JPEGCrops and stuck them through Registax. Probably a bit of a long-winded way to do it, but I got this from the centre of Plymouth  :


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Hi Sean,

I also use a 600D (on a SW200PDS). For Jupiter, try setting the video to manual and recording using the digital zoom function. You end up with a MOV file, but you can convert it with PIPP to AVI.

I used PIPP to generate BMP files from the video frames then converted all to JPG through Irfanview. I then cropped them all with JPEGCrops and stuck them through Registax. Probably a bit of a long-winded way to do it, but I got this from the centre of Plymouth  :


WOW, Lovely image there and it holds its details well at that size!  Iv had lots of people say to shoot lots of RAWS at multiple exposures for best results but as a beginner im still geting to grips with the scope to be honest so I do find shooting video a bit easier at this stage as there is less that can go wrong.  As for JPEGCrops I have never heard of it but I was hoping there was a way to crop multiple images in one go so thanks!  When I shot my video I used after effects to convert it to an avi and scale it down a tad and then but this avi straight in to registax.  Im going to try your method it the sky says as it is now tonight ! fingers crossed.  Thanks!

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You could try putting an extention tube ( 2nd barlow with len removed ) between your first barlow and camera.

This should increase the image size without adding more glass.

I've not tried using a DSLR for planets - I'm using a SPC900 webcam, but this is the method that I use.

the down side is a dimmer image and much harder to centre on the camera.

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Nice shots! Be careful not to overdo the sharpening and contrast on the Moon. Always a temptation!

I thought that PIPP crops vid files.


It does, but I couldn't persuade it to crop in quite the way I wanted. I'm sure it's just inexperience with the software.

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