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Hi there,

So pleased - yesterday my telescope arrived SKY-WATCHER 130/900 RA MOTOR EQ2...so excited I was running around the living room like a headless chicken - I wanted to open all the boxes at the same time...But eventually I calmed down and put it together...that thing its huge but a very nice piece of kit. 

Find attached some images from the box to the finished product.

Thanks folks.


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  Like  myself at 66. Started at around 10 and still learning a thing or two :rolleyes:

  Now, if only Ede ordered a special cloud filter with that scope and maybe a thermal suit with a nice windbreaker, he'd be out there already and gasping at what he was seeing :grin:

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   Didn't you know most telescopes come with one? Its that black plastic thing that fits over the end of the tube. Once on, the skies will be VERY dark regardless of how much cloud you have :grin:

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Lol Binge - I only started this lark 5 or 6 years ago - pretty recent compared with the guys who've been at it since they were 12. :)

Wow, You pup!  :grin:

It just goes to show, age isn't everything, it's experience that counts! There's a backhanded compliment in there somewhere.  :p

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Like  myself at 66. Started at around 10 and still learning a thing or two :rolleyes:

  Now, if only Ede ordered a special cloud filter with that scope and maybe a thermal suit with a nice windbreaker, he'd be out there already and gasping at what he was seeing :grin:

Dear Mr Q

Yes I went out last night and WAOOOOOOOOOO

I saw Moon and Jupiter and what a great site....blow my mind away....just amazing.Check out my pictyres please on my ather post called Update...

Thanks for the support and all the advice.

Clear Skies and stay safe.

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Dear Mr Q

Yes I went out last night and WAOOOOOOOOOO

I saw Moon and Jupiter and what a great site....blow my mind away....just amazing.Check out my pictyres please on my ather post called Update...

Thanks for the support and all the advice.

Clear Skies and stay safe.

   Nice!  The fun now begins and, believe me, it will last for the rest of your life :eek:

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