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Jupiter and Saturn.. Higher mag?


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Hello again. One final question (I hope) about EP's. I have been enjoying views of Jupiter and can't wait to get Saturn in my sights. I was successfully enjoying the 7mm XCEL the other night and was wondering if I could get a bit more reach out of my scope? I asked about a better Barlow but it seems it is not worth it with the 7mm but would a 5mm EP be worth adding to my case?

If it is recommended then I have narrowed my choice to XCEL or perhaps the Skywatcher 5mm SWA 70deg EP. I understand these are quite heavy, would this pose any issue with my scope. Which of the two would be best?

I don't mind spending a bit on a semi decent EP.. I do plan on upgrading the scope in the future so would prefer to get something I can also use on a better scope and not to want upgrading.

Skywatcher 1309EQ2

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I find that Saturn can take more magnification than Jupiter, but only when conditions allow, I am sure most will tell you the same. I find that there is no such thing as too many eyepieces at the higher end, come to that I tend to think the same about the middle and lower too.

I would not go beyond 5mm as you will just not get enough use from it with the weather. A 6mm in the middle of these to would be my fist step and then see how much use I get from that. Secondhand will help you save money here as if you have to move it on you will not loose out too much.


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It also depends on what better scope you have in mind, the high magnification EP in a10" dobwith f4.7, or a 10" SCT f10 are quite different, basically it's the EP just below the f number, i.e. 3.5mm to 4mm for the f4.7 dob, and 8-9 for the f10 SCT. A refractor can take somewhat higher nagnifications.

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Thank you both.

I have not yet decided my future upgrade.. But I am currently looking into the Skywatcher 250PX Dob. They seem to offer so much for the money. I don't mind spending upto £1000 but I think the 10" Dob might be exactly what I want so not sure if it is worth spending more? I do not intend on imaging and am enjoying finding my targets without the use of a goto.

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Does your 'scope have a focal length of 900mm?

If so, the 5mm may be okay, giving a magnification of 180x which would be good for Jupiter and Saturn.

I can vouch for the 5mm X-CEL LX it's very good in my 'scope, but would depend on what you were upgrading to.


Just seen your post, but what I said would still stand. I've no idea what the X-Cel LXs would be like in that 'scope, but you'd have to take into account the focal length of the new 'scope and so the resulting magnification to see if it'd be okay!

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Thank you. Yes it is a 900mm. I am pretty sure I would like a 10"Dob next. I think it would be a great upgrade without spending massive amounts and would still fit in the car for the odd time I want to go somewhere really dark.

Do you think the Skywatcher would be a bit better than the XCEL or are they fairly level?

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A 5mm should work, would not look at a shorter one and as you have an X-Cel then get another they are probably built to be par-focal so less focus adjustment when you swap betweenthe focal lengths.

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Sorry for some odd reason I thought your scope was longer. 5mm or even 4mm will work fine but don't over egg the pudding. Pig has hit the nail on the head with his advice on magnification, follow that and you will not go far wrong.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I bought the x-cel 5mm eyepiece a couple of weeks ago for this very telescope, having done some extensive research on the subject. I was also told anything around 180-220x mag would be ok, and with it working out to 180x i went ahead and ordered it. I was however, very disappointed with the quality of it and felt that the image was not sharp at all. When compared to my 8mm Vixen NPL which was half the price, I was disappointed beyond belief.

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Stick with it.

The 5mm X-cel should be better on other targets which are less bright.

Also - the target needs to be high in the sky to get the best viewing conditions.

I had massive magnification on the moon last week - after waiting 3-long months for the opportunity.

It will come to you if you are patient and keep trying.

I am getting very good views with a £23 Revelation Plossl on Jupiter at the moment.

The £90 eyepiece was no better than the basic Plossl.

Horses for courses.

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