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I am about to order my first telescope, and I plan on getting the Zhumell Z8 Deluxe Dobsonian Reflector Telescope. I've done some research and this seemed like the best option for me. I'd just like some feedback on whether it is a good telescope or not. I'm also wondering if I should invest in a Barlow lens, and if so what kind of Barlow lens goes with this telescope? 

Finally, I live in a small town, but there is still some light shining from a store a few blocks away and from street lights and I was wondering If light pollution from these really affects the views much if I'm viewing from my backyard. 

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I own the Z12, a co-worker of mine owns the Z8.  Outstanding quality telescopes.  You're getting good stuff.

I would not invest in a barlow, just yet.  The scope comes with a very nice 2" 30mm and a 17mm IIRC, these will give you very nice viewing for some time.

I found using a barlow doesn't do much for the viewing myself.

Use the scope stock for a few dozen viewings before deciding what else you might want to buy for it.

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Good choice of scopes I'm sure, an 8" Dob will make you glad you picked up this hobby! Any street light sucks with a telescope yet you won't suffer with the huge glow of a city like mine ( Montreal), having said that I still manage great views at night all year. Heading out away from lights really matters and targets are much better defined. Hopefully you pick it up soon and aim for M42 ( Orion's nebula) and Jupiter overhead, really amazing...

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rwhitfield........Hi. +1 for the 8", your going to enjoy whats ahead. If you get to a darker site, be prepared, the difference is chalk & cheese. Everyone changes lenses,  normally the first upgrade, but get  used to what you have first. Its normally the lowest focal length eyepiece that lets the telescope down, retailers supply lenses that are just efficient. You may find better. Have fun

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I dont know the actual telescope, but an 8 inch dob will give you excellent views for the price. You will see plenty even with some light pollution. Do consider mobility though. If you really get caught up in this as a hobby you will be wanting to head to darker spots to get the best views of dso's. An 8" dob can be big and awkward to carry around. Don't necessarily let it put you off, but do think about how you are going to use it.

I live in a third floor flat with no lift in the middle of a city where only abou 10 stars are visible under th glare of lights. I carry my 8" dob and kit down to my car in 3 trips. Then 3 more half mile relays at my dark sky sight. It's worth it though :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2

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I am intrigued, I have not seen the Zhumell range outside of the US but from this and other posts it is well liked an respected. Is it just available in the US and Canada?

If I recall correctly then Zhumell dobs are made by GSO and are identical to the GSO branded dobs apart from logo and paintjob.

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Cold air won't hurt your dob at all, though you will want to give it at least 15 or 20 minutes to cool down when you first take it outside.

An 8" shouldn't be a problem at all to load and and carry off to dark viewing.

I have the 12", and that is another story.  It is a permanent resident at my house, unfortunately.  :(

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