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BBC4! I haven't got BBC4. So after 50 years I can't watch PM except on the BBC website. What is the world coming too. Those BBC planners haven't got enough collective brain to give Hannibal Lector a good meal.

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BBC4! I haven't got BBC4. So after 50 years I can't watch PM except on the BBC website. What is the world coming too. Those BBC planners haven't got enough collective brain to give Hannibal Lector a good meal.

:laughing3: :salute: Quite right !

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BBC4! I haven't got BBC4. So after 50 years I can't watch PM except on the BBC website. What is the world coming too. Those BBC planners haven't got enough collective brain to give Hannibal Lector a good meal.

:laughing3: :salute: Quite right !

:D:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :clouds2::shocked:

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Bernie, that would be a very interesting letter, if the Beeb did actually send one.

Tiny, There is apparently an episode being shown on 20th Jan at 23:50 on BBC1 (from Digiguide), but I cant tell you which one it is I'm afraid.

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Call me cynical (cos I am!), but is there a possibility that by scheduling the programmes at varying times, omitting them altogether at times and fiddling around with the repeats, is all just a ploy to diminish viewing figures,so as to then justify pulling the plug ?

Where can I find this cretin who calls himself a scheduler ? So that I can write a few words to him myself.( I'm Ashamed to say I've only just read Sir P's letter).

Karlo :D

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No, I simply thought they're maybe forum rules I wasn't aware of, but now you've corrected the spelling I see what you mean. I think peecee's idea is likely to be probably the most effective way to air our displeasure. Or we could sneak up on him and cover him in red food colouring !!(only a joke-honest !) :D

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