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I have seen this asked before but I think that was before some improvements to the ZWO and software support for the QHY. 

They appear to have the same sensor, both appear (correct me if I'm wrong) to be supported by firecapture and other major capture software. I'm only interested in the mono versions just to be clear. 

The price seems pretty close as well. 

So with Xmas approaching, which one would you go for? Is there anything at all between them....any differences whatsoever!?

The ZWO comes with a fisheye lens which I do like. But you can get one for the QHY5. 

I'll be using it for lunar and planetary. Guiding as well probably. 
Any other cameras that are worth considering around that price range? 



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Oh thats a good point thanks. 

I'm not too fussed about an ST-4 point, Happily use ascom with the eqdir. Does that change anything? 

I have noticed a Point Grey Chameleon for sale at a decent (ish) price. I understand it doesn't have the speedy fps as these two but does the advantage of its CCD chip outweigh this? 
I use the little cheap and cheerful firefly mono atm and I really appreciate its IR sensitivity (http://www.flickr.com/photos/90652641@N04/8494480505/lightbox/) which I understand the chameleon shares.

But I don't want a camera simply for lunar and white light solar, I want better planetary as well. 


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Point Grey cameras are more annoying to setup for guiding, but the Chameleon is good for Moon/Sun. Bit slow for planets (but it can if you want to). There may be a difference in noise if you want to do things like Jupiter methane band imaging (high gain, longer exposures). CCD will have more uniform gray noise, while CMOS in QHY/ASI will be more grainy/hot-pixel-alike (but still usable in both).

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I have a QHY5L-II and I can say that the image quality is top notch.

The film canister profile has it's benefit over the larger AS body profile, as the back-focus to the image sensor can be reduced when working with an accessory such as OAG

Consider the capability to insert the camera (and subsequently sensor) further into a 1.25" eyepiece opening.  I find this aspect of the QHY5-L II to be quite useful with my OAG-5.

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Can you use the qhy5 with the USB lead only for planetary or do you have to have a st4 set up sorry if it's a dumb question thinking of getting this instead of using the spc900

No such thing as a dumb question! You only need to plug in the ST-4 if you're guiding through the ST-4 port. You can guide without it through ascom also. 

So for taking snaps of anything just the USB lead is required mate :-)

Hope that helps, 


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Thanks for all the posts to this, it really has helped. 

jogrady this is a very good point that I hadn't thought about. Something that a lot of people should take into consideration. 

I don't think I'll be using an OAG anytime soon, but I've made up my mind anyway and going to be placing an order for the ASI120MM! (got some money for xmas)

I like the fact that it screws onto a tripod for all-sky and comes with a fish eye. Also the sockets on the back for attaching a TEC is useful for any future experiments haha :p 

Thanks guys,


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unfortunately they don't, well mine doesn't it has it's own filter screwed into it but it's a weird thread why the just didn't use a standard filter thread is anyone's guess. I have got round this by removing the IR filter then using a Barlow body with the lens removed then you can use whatever filter you like. Only thing you've got to bear in mind then is if you need to Barlow while imaging a planet, the extra Barlow body acts as an extension tube, great if you can achieve focus as it will give you a bit more mag but a real pain if it wont focus.

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long_arms I am sure you are going to really enjoy the ASI120MM.  The allsky option is quite attractive.  That's a rather interesting point about the TEC option, thanks for point it out.  A very cool option indeed.

Clear Skies


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