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Digital camera

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Sorry if in wrong place.I wanted to take a shot of the moon with  my camera,it's  just a mid standard cheapish one Olympus SZ10

When I take the eye piece out of the scope all I see is the cross spider thing inside the scope. The end lens on the camera is a bit too large to go into the scope, so what I am saying should I see the cross spider shape or should I be seeing the moon,tried to take one picture using my camera but really bad haze tonight and camera was shaking a bit,too embarrassed to add it here :(


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Although a nice camera, a smaller point an shoot digital on an A-focal bracket is better suited, you can pick up the bracket for about £20-30 

Really new to this stuff,sorry..

a smaller point an shoot digital on an A-focal bracket is better suited

not sure what that means :huh:

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Yep, thats same as i use, if you look in lunar imaging i have put a couple of images up, the problem with your camera is big lens with lots of zoom, a smaller pocket camera will do a good job, you might have one in a draw kicking about

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Ideally you should use an eyepiece with a medium/long focal length such as 20 to 32mm. Focus the telescope first and then position the camera over the eyepiece, adjusting the zoom to crop the image if necessary. An afocal camera adapter helps keep theing the camera steady http://www.firstlightoptics.com/adaptors/skywatcher-universal-camera-adapter.html .

This one was taken using this method


Full sized version on Astrobin


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