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M1 - The Crab Nebula


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Thanks Rob

It has remained pretty well aligned. I have made no adjustments since that almighty effort to kick it into touch but it is sliding out a bit. The stars are losing there shapes a bit across the field as though the image plain is tilting a bit so I feel I will need to do some more tweaking before too long. Remarkably stable really considering I have to lift it onto the mount for each and every session. I plan to flock the tube so it will need readdressing as it all goes back together anyway.


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Thanks for the comments.
I always struggle with the background and funnily enough I have been reprocessing this to get the background less noisy since my first attempt. removing the noise does make it a bit starker in my opinion (and yours) and it seems people are divided on this. I may go back to the original...
Interested to know which one you guys prefer.

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Background looks fine to me. There is a dark region surrounding the main body of the nebula, which is probably dust. This can make the edge of the nebula seem to cut off quite abruptly but is actually there.

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Personally i prefer the second edit, look more natural to my eye. But reading Robs comments seems maybe the original is is the one to go with. Strange but despite its enormous fame it seems and object thats not commonly imaged by amateurs, or am i just missing them?

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