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Lucky star - Sun in H-a, 30/11/2013


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I wasn't supposed to be taking any images on Saturday morning, as we had guests arriving. But they were a little delayed, so I popped out and managed just a rushed single movie before the clouds came in and I had to pack away.

I had no idea if there were any nice proms about. I later saw a post by Michael about a monster prom! And later I saw Alexandra's awesome shots.

I felt quite emotional when I saw the stack. This definitely counts as a big prom for me :laugh:  Hope to try a few other processes on this over the next few days!



SolarMax 60 / Grasshopper 3 (ICX687)

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Thanks, folks :smiley:

Robin, I get the sense that the Sun did not like all the fuss over the comet of the century and wanted to remind everyone who's boss :grin:  Shame we're not going to get that spectacle after all though.

Alexandra, good guess! According to my atomic clock, it was 10:52. And according to the same clock, the clouds arrived at 10:54 :rolleyes:

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