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new scope but ????

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Good evening all 

I'm am currently using a vivitar 70060 which has been not a bad telescope but now looking for something new.

I have a price range of around £450 but not sure on what's best for me, this is where I hope your help will come into it.

Would love to see andromeda with a bit of detail, nebula s, clusters, comets think you may get my point. I know I'm talking the 10" range but help on what sort or other telescopes that will come close to what I want to see. 

I was looking at this on eBay but can't find any reviews 


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Just found this £400

Skywatcher skyliner 250px with items below 

Revelation Photo Visual Eyepiece and Filter Kit 

The five included eyepieces (9mm 12mm 15mm 20mm 32mm) are a fully multi coated four element Plossl design with features only found on the most exclusive 1.25" models. 

Features include: 

Fold down rubber eyeguards for comfort 
Filter threads (standard 1.25") 
Rubber grips on models over 15mm 
52 degree field of view 
Safety cut barrels to prevent slippage 
Blackened lens edges for improved contrast 
Dust caps for both ends 
2x barlow 

plus the standard 10mm , and super wide 25mm lens 

ND96 Moon filter which simply screws in to the filter threads of the eyepieces and adaptors to reduce the glare from bright objects. For enhancing Planetary views the set includes four premium colour filters for standard 1.25" filter threads. 

plus a light pollution filter 

1.25" T adaptor with filter thread to do through the telescope prime focus imaging with the appropriate T ring for your camera. This can also be used with the supplied 

1 telrad finder 
1 mzt 8-24 zoom lens 

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I can tell you even as a newbie that Ebay scope isn't the best even at that price.

If anything is out of adjustment or any other fault it will be very frustrating.

Only has one 10mm eyepiece, you would need at least 2, budget scopes usually come with 10mm & 25mm eyepieces.

Your budget is fine for something better than the Vivitar scope.

The Stargazers Lounge Dobsonian fan club will probably recommend this: -  http://www.firstlightoptics.com/dobsonians/skywatcher-skyliner-200p-dobsonian.html  even though I'm a refractor user it's difficult to argue against this telescopes value for money.

Do you have to transport your scope any distance or down stairs from a flat?  if so less weight & portability would be important.

Are you thinking of doing astrophotography? as the Equatorial Mount (commonly quoted as 'EQ' the number after is the weight capacity - bigger the number the heavier the mount & it's payload) would be needed eventually.

Try & find a astronomy club near you & don't be afraid to ask as many questions on here or at your local club until you are sure of your purchase.

It took me about 7/8 weeks to do enough research before I bought my scope.

Clear skies to you & enjoy.

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you would need an eq6 to mount the ota from a 250  dob but yes it can be done. The cons of a dob mount are that you can't image with it. but ithe 250 is a great observing scope good on planets and pretty good on most everything else. if you want one new with warranty http://www.firstlightoptics.com/dobsonians/skywatcher-skyliner-250px-dobsonian.html

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I would recommend the same scope for the following reasons:

It is cracking value for money

The EQ5 mount is a very stable one, and you will learn how to use an equatorial mount which is valuable knowledge for doing Astrophotography later.

For an explanation on how the EQ mount works watch this video: - http://www.eyesonthesky.com/Videos/TelescopeBasics.aspx   -   best to watch all the videos in sequence.

From your other question about fitting a dobsonian to an EQ mount - this is what the above scope is.

A Dobsonian & a Newtonian reflector are the same type of telescope on 2 different types of mount.

Note that this telescope is bigger than the photographs suggest, check out the dimensions.

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Ok so now understanding that both scopes are the same  and 200p is good value for money the 250 is a bigger lenses thus more light thus more dso's can be found?

I was reading the Dobsonian has limitations on the movement side of things can some one explain this please ?

250px is 2months old...family commitments forces sale. Is the package a good deal or not ?

I'm thinking of going for the 250px but will it be a good seconds scope bearing in mind I'm using a 2" atm.

Thanks for all the feed back so far and I'm taking notes 

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You will find it very easy to use a dobsonian mount, you just move it to where you want, the only drawback for a new user is learning to nudge it and track objects. You will only ever use your manual dob for observing and it is very rewarding  . If you go for an equatorial mount it takes a bit more time to set it up but then is better to track objects at high magnification. EQ5 and above can later be used for  astrophotography if required.

First thing in my opinion is decide on mount then choose scope. Going from a 50mm scope I think either the 200 or 250 will blow you away.

Also as mentioned ,  if buying off ebay be prepared to put some work into the scope otherwise go for a new one, look at the 200p dob from flo :grin: very hard to beat and you will have cash left to get some eyepieces.

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I think you paid top end of used prices but you have got yourself a cracking scope and you can allow yourself a small smug grin. I hope you get to use it soon.  Have you got a good deal? well you bought a good scope at a price you can afford  and its less than the cost of a comparable new one. So I would say yes

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Rex88...............Hi, you could have done worse by grtting the Helios? 

A 10" Skyliner (Dob mounted)  selection of  Lenses (Celestron Plössl maybe) Telrad and a Revelation Astro 32mm. Can't be all that bad, In fact very good. All set to go. I'm certain its all set-up ready to go, but if not check out  this site ....    http://www.astro-baby.com/collimation/astro%20babys%20collimation%20guide.htm     Enjoy what's ahead.

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Rex88...............Hi, you could have done worse by grtting the Helios? 

A 10" Skyliner (Dob mounted)  selection of  Lenses (Celestron Plössl maybe) Telrad and a Revelation Astro 32mm. Can't be all that bad, In fact very good. All set to go. I'm certain its all set-up ready to go, but if not check out  this site ....    http://www.astro-baby.com/collimation/astro%20babys%20collimation%20guide.htm     Enjoy what's ahead.

I am not sure that the helios was such a bad deal they seem to get some decent write ups for some of their product and I am pretty sure that some of their stuff is rebadged synta.  Didn't skywatcher used to be called helios?  Edit It seems that helios did 2 versions one catadioptric and an older non cat  so you are probably right that the op had a lucky escape

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All this £400

Have I done well???

I forgot the 10" were so expensive.

About £440 for the scope / £110 for the Revelation eyepiece kit / and the Telerad finder.

You have about £600 worth of gear there.

So I would say that you have done very well.

PS - Revelation Plossls get an undeserved bad press here on the forum sometimes.

I like them on my 8" dobsonian - so stick with them until you are ready to upgrade onto wider angle, more expensive eyepieces.

With the full kit - you can upgrade one eyepiece at a time without emptying the bank.

In the meantime you should get some good views with the Revelations

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..........rowan46........maybe I'm just to blunt and tell it like it is. I purchased a Celestron 127EQ on October this year. (we all make mistakes ~ but  take out all the extras and Books that came with it,  £30 for a scope to teach me that EQ mounts are not for me was well worth it? ) But I never knew about Bird-Jones and  1000mm FL  in  a 500mm OTA   Whoa!   That's the reason for my quote, all in fun, But thanks for quoting as I've just discovered the spelling mistake ( I was chuffed when my option to edit arrived ?) 

Edit* Just like Reeny missed something, I too in fact missed out that they were Revelation Plössl lenses and not Celestron's, even better, so not a bad deal overall.

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Hi Rex,

I just noticed a Zoom lens was included as well.

You will find that useful for the moon.

You can zoom in to the craters, then zoom out to navigate without juggling different eyepieces around.

Even more of a bargain.

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Thanks guys makes me think I done well.

Can't wait for the sky to clear.

The zoom lens is a bonus. The guy that sold it gave me a quick run through

Having the zoom lens 8mm-24mm gives me technically lots of eye pieces with the other lenses he has and the Barlow lens doubles everything again including the zoom.

Not a scratch or dent on any of it.

There's a few extras that I don't show as not a clue what they are.

Once again thanks for all you help.

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