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Sun White Light: 19 - XI - 13


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After almost 80 hours of rain, temperatures fluctuating in a space of meer hours between 20ºc's or so down to a chilling 3º or 4ºc's and gales up to 80km/h, at last the weather seems to be calming, if only for another day or so.

Atmospheric conditions were not brilliant this morning, but the sky was a good blue and the Sun was winter bright; better than that horrible grey splodge of heavy cloud which has been covering the skies for the last few days.

Also got the chance to try out the 19mm Panoptic. I fell in love with the Panoptic after using the 24mm and I've been hanging on for months to see if the 19mm would crop up secondhand at a reasonable price. As to be expected, it is a gorgeous eyepiece. Anyway, here's a little sketch of the Sun this morning:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ay, by analogy, Mark, I'd suggest the upgrade is like going from a standard plossl included in a telescope purchase and buying into something like a Tele Vue plossl or Delos. If you're into your Sun and you like to observe everyday and you've got a frac and only a frac, I feel the upgrade is worth every penny.  

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Qualia,whatever scope and wedge you are using connect you to our great provider,the sun,which is fortunate for us.Your sketches indicate you do seem to bond with the object, and then from mind to paper,giving us a unique opportunity to view these wonders of the sky,merci mon ami

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