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Finally! Now I feel better.


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Tonight was amazing. Took my scope down to work as a bunch of the guys wanted to see it. All afternoon the skies didn't seem to want to cooperate and I was wondering if they would clear at all. On lunch at 830 I went out for a smoke and the skies had cleared considerably. Not the best but the moon was bright and I figured at least I would be able to have the coworkers view it. 

So midnight rolls around and it was time to punch out. So headed out to the car and started to setup. I got the moon all lined up with a 25 and let everyone have a look. They seemed to like it. Well like it as much as they could in the 12 degree temps. Some people took their peek and left. I swapped the 25 for a 9 with a moon filter. Everyone that was left loved it. We stood around talking for a bit and kept taking turns looking at the moon. Then one by one they left. Just too cold.

So the last car starts pulling away and I'm by myself. I was starting to get chilly myself but I look up and Jupiter is calling me. I put the 25 back in and swing her over. Got it lined up in the finder. Then took a look.

There it was. Not totally centered but it was there. A very bright dot with 2 dimmer ones. My heart fluttered a little. I centered it as best I could in the eyepiece and took out the 25 and put my 9 back in. I stooped down to take a look..... And there it was. Jupiter. 

I just stood there staring at it for about 10 minutes. It was amazing. Part of me wanted someone else there to see it too but part of me just wanted to be alone and take it all in. I didn't even feel the cold anymore. I decided to try one more thing and took the 9 out and added a 2x barlow. A better bigger image popped up but shook a lot. I sat there for another 10 minutes. Trying to adjust the focus as best I could. Towards the end the cold started to get the best of me and I packed it up. 

I am totally hooked now. Hook, line and sinker. Can't wait for the next time I can get out. The skies were clear but being in the parking lot at work there was a lot of light pollution. Plus the moon was so bright It washed a lot out. Next time I'm going to make sure I have the time and go to my dark spot that I have picked out and hopefully view my first galaxy or nebula. Orion has always been my favorite constellation so maybe Orion Nebula might be next on the list.

Clear skies everyone!

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Great report Matt. 

Your co-workers missed a treat by packing up early but at least it left it all for you. 

I find that it helps to focus on a nearby star and then move onto Jupiter (or later Saturn). Pollux is well placed at the moment for this or go for Castor and enjoy a nice double.

Good luck, there are plenty more delights to come.

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Alignment does seem to be a top issue to get resolved for me. I'm not sure if it's the red dot or me or a little of both. Seems like after I get the dot centered on target if  I move my head just the slightest bit it appears off center again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alignment does seem to be a top issue to get resolved for me. I'm not sure if it's the red dot or me or a little of both. Seems like after I get the dot centered on target if  I move my head just the slightest bit it appears off center again.

Nice report and welcome, if not a bit late from me  :smiley: I suspect you are suffering from parallex with the RDF perhaps. It takes a little practice what works for you, but I find if you keep both eyes open when looking through it with one eye works, something like that IIRC. These days  it just happens naturally without thinking about it but I do recall having that problem at the beginning.

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Nice report, quite late for me to read it though! How have you been getting on since? :)

Thanks, Jonathan. 

Been going good so far. Lately It's been around -10F at night so my sessions are pretty short. Jupiter still remains my favorite target. Also since that night I have added M45 and M42. M31 still gives me problems but I haven't really been aligning my GOTO as I should. I plan on getting a pair of bins sometime this week. Hopefully it will assist me in locataing 31.

Can't wait for spring to come so I don't have to freeze when I go out!

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Thanks, Jonathan. 

Been going good so far. Lately It's been around -10F at night so my sessions are pretty short. Jupiter still remains my favorite target. Also since that night I have added M45 and M42. M31 still gives me problems but I haven't really been aligning my GOTO as I should. I plan on getting a pair of bins sometime this week. Hopefully it will assist me in locataing 31.

Can't wait for spring to come so I don't have to freeze when I go out!

It's right near zenith at these latitudes for quite a while, not too difficult to find with binoculars once you've located the square of Pegasus.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have been observing Jupiter for about twenty years now and Have spent the  past 4 hours with my

Jaw swinging on the bottom hinge watching the GRS and IO (with shadow) crossing the cloud tops

of this monster. Saturn is beautiful to see, but Jupiter is alive. It changes and moves as you watch and

its Galilean family show you the Solar system working before your very eyes.

Keep watching Dan


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