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Skywatcher 130

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Got myself a Skywatcher Explorer 130 with an EQ2 Tripod for my birthday last month and being new to astronomy have a really basic possibly daft question to ask.

The large dust cap on the end of my telescope do you remove this for viewing the night sky or do you just remove the small cap on the big cap.

I have been doing some moon watching last week with just the small one removed with some very pleasing results. Is removing the complete

large cap going to make the picture even clearer or make me see further. all advice appreciated.



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Remove the large cap for most viewing. Some people like to just remove the small cap when viewing the moon to cut down the glare. Give both a go and see which you prefer.

I haven't found dew a problem on the scope, more of a problem on the finder.

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Not a stupid question at all, took me a while to realise what it was for,

The small cap is for viewing the moon ( if one chooses too) because of the brightness. Most would remove the whole dust cap for viewing anything else.

For dew....a dew shield is advised or heaters, you can make one or buy one..... I don't know too much about these to comment to much but I'm sure someone else will be along to help on this.


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For viewing the Moon it's probably better in the long run to get a Moon filter (I got the variable one) rather than using the small aperture hole in the cover, I say that because won't it reduce the affective resolution (resolving power) looking through a small hole like that? In any case it's probably good enough to get started with.

You'll know why it matters when you first look at the Moon without a filter or partial cover over the tube end, you'll end up with one large pupil and one small one and things will look odd, close the good eye and you'll struggle to see anything in the dark until it adjusts. When this first happened to me for a moment I worried I maybe damaged my eye :)

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