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Have I made a mistake with the Olll

alan potts

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Yes it is odd, I wonder if as Steve said, was I in the right place. It may have just been condition, which were terrible, even Vega looked more like Sirius on a bad night and that was near overhead at the start of the session.

I will try again.


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I'm sure it is related to fov Alan. The Veil is huge, as you know, so it would be very easy to look 'through' it if your fov is too narrow.

The small circle on this image is 0.93 degrees which I think is what the 41mm Pan gives in the LX. The large one is 3.68 degrees which is what I get with the 106 and 31t5. Might just be a case of too narrow/fov with not enough aperture to make it stand out. I've seen the witches broom through a 15" and it was filling the fov but was very bright, you couldn't have missed it.




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When I'm finding the Veil I always head straight for the star 52 Cygni. It's easy to find and the western segment of the Veil (the Witches Broom) runs right past it. Maybe the small true field of the big SCT is looking right through the nebula though.

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I will try again on the veil with the LX though I am a bit limited for eyepiece selection with this scope and target. I will also try thr reducer just to see if I get a result.

It is a good job I have other scopes because I really bought the Olll filter for the LX without really understanding how large it is, BigmakStutov little chart brings it home to you at a glance.


I will try the filter in the 115mm that is next out in the night air as I still have work to do on the 3mm test. I will have to remember not to pick up the 20mm Nagler though, the Ethos is a great eyepiece but I can't leave the Nagler alone. It was my first TV and I just can't part with it but at the same time I don't really need it any longer.


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