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My New Solar Imaging Aid, & Sun from Nov 14th


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If there's one thing that spoils a Solar imaging session, it's the Sun! Since I started solar imaging, I got fed up with screen reflections, the floppy cardboard box I put the laptop in, and a towel blowing off my head while trying to hide and see the screen to focus!

So a few days ago, I finally made myself a proper wooden unit for the laptop for solar imaging. The black fleece cover will eventually be attached with Velcro, and to save storage space, it comes apart into flat sections, which just plug together with 3/8 inch dowels. It was also made almost completely from the scrap box, with only the fleece being purchased. I'd previously made an electric focusser, so I can now hide under the covers, free from glare, and point and focus the scope without problems.

Below are the pictures of the unit along with the first images taken with the use of it ( in less than ideal seeing conditions )



Sun November 14th





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I did the same with a very think but lightweight cardboard. It was pyramin shaped but with a letterbox hole for viewing through. It was so light it could hang on the laptop screen and allow access to the keyboard as well. Try not to face the sun or you may get your own reflection on the screen. Most annoying.

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Hi Stephen,

Nice shots and a good idea for the viewing screen. I bought a foldable cardboard box from Poundstretcher for a couple of quid, works quite well and doubles as a carry box when not in use as a shade.


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