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Wot no comet ?


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So fell out of bed a bit later than planned to image Ison, opened bedroom window, still half asleep, aimed at bright thing I thought was Spica, took a couple of shots and went back to bed.

Just had a look and I think it's Mercury,  :embarassed:  Doh



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Looks like mercury and spica at top. If it had been a bit darker - say 30 min earlier - you might have had both Ison and Encke in that frame !


I think it's k Virgo, Spica was higher to the South I think, yes the plan was to be up 30mins earlier but I overslept

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least you got something in frame! :D what time does it show it self to be able to image it then? ive been starting work at 2am all this week so not had a chance but might stay up for it tomorrow morning where i have not got work

Rises in the East about 4.30, best seen at about 5.00 ,mind don't take advice from me, I missed it completely :)


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yes, thats mercury. spica should be a bit outside of the photo somewhere it the direction up-right. i managed to do this with an 50mm lens this morning. the bright star at the bottom is spica. mercury did not rise jet when i made this shot. i think that when mercury rose, it was already to late for ISON shots...


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Just how late did you fall out of bed?. I dont think there is any chance at that level of brightness to capture ISON.

Nice image. Looks like Mercury to me but then again.................all those white points of light in the sky look the same to me.

yes, thats mercury. spica should be a bit outside of the photo somewhere it the direction up-right. i managed to do this with an 50mm lens this morning. the bright star at the bottom is spica. mercury did not rise jet when i made this shot. i think that when mercury rose, it was already to late for ISON shots...


Alright, don't keep on rubbing it in, so I got up too late  :mad:


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