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NGC 1365 - a galaxy in Fornax


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Smooth, detailed, colourful and with a flat looking background. Perfect.

You mentioned on another thread about doing mosaics. With backgrounds like that I think you'll have no problems. Unlike me who has wild backgrounds :)

Have you had a look at NGC 1530 ? It's one of my favourites and you'd breeze it.


Edit for wrong number !

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That as been well worth the month long wait imaging this beautiful barred spiral Mark. the starfield looks really good, your patience as really paid off on this difficult low alt target.

(on the high res version) I can just see a very faint satellite trail going from right to left at the bottom of the galaxy. but it's still a fantastic image!

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Thanks guys, yes there is a trail there. I reckon they bound to be there at low altitude.


I'll try ngc1530 but ma be you mean ngc1532?


Definitely 1530. It's a follow on from your 1365 but in a different area of the sky. Google it for the very few images around. I did think about it after I wrote the post and it may be too close in appearance to the one you've done but as you are able to tease out the smaller dust lanes it could look good.

It may even be too far North for you to bother with it.


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