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Stunning Video result

Dragon Man

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Lads...enough...bickering about what happened in cn stays in cn this is sgl...lets just say it's electronically assisted viewing using a video camera with extended integration. ..anyway I like all the images produced from all the cameras. .bravo...now rappit n be pals,, its a new start on here with clean slate...davy

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Lads...enough...bickering about what happened in cn stays in cn this is sgl...lets just say it's electronically assisted viewing using a video camera with extended integration. ..anyway I like all the images produced from all the cameras. .bravo...now rappit n be pals,, its a new start on here with clean slate...davy

Hi Davy

I joined this group to get away from the type of posting & childish bickering that took place on Cloudy Nights from some people over there including Maurice alias Nytecam. This is why I was so shocked to see him post his smart as_ comments regarding exposure times that have nothing to do with the near real-time results that Ken showed us of Tom's broadcast. Trust me his intentions are not asking about exposure times he just despises anything that one does show with a Mallincam and tries to put his camera above all other video cameras.  I just got my posting deleted today on Cloudy Nights asking Maurice to please show us his working flow so we can learn how it's done in case we decide to buy one of these Lodestar cameras and also to prove to us (since he refuses to show us live on NSN) that his images are true near real-time without saving and post processing them like traditional CCD images. I was told by the Moderators that I am bullying and harassing that he prove himself and STOP putting down people who use Mallancam video camera.

I really like this group and it is nice to have good educational astronomy discussions, however, if Maurice is allowed to post these negative comments then I will not be staying here if I cannot post my point of view. My intentions are NOT to ruin this great forum but I can not sit back and let him post these type of comments. I hope you all understand where I am coming from.

Thank you!

Chris A


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Chris..chill...its a hobby. .the good folk on here can and will make up there own mind on the posts they wish to follow good or bad....freedom of speach n all that...if there is bullying or threads of a bullying nature there are loads of moderator's on the sgl forum to deal with it..now if loadstar or mallincam made nice donations of cameras to me ile post an honest report on them...or if someone who won the lottery and has both could do it instead and save me the hassle. ....lads get a grip do you really want to play mines is best...because mines is..got it for 45 quid and left me money for a king keebab now as ken says dosent matter what it cost if you cant use it.

Me ile be eating my keebab good or bad weather. ..davy

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Sorry Chris Astrogate - where have I criticised Tom results in my post? I said they were excellent in a one-liner and you've taken three long posts to discredit me. You really need to chill out and appreciate there are more than just one camera capable of good results. When you're next in UK I'll buy you a beer :-)

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Hello Chris,

For what it is worth I would do my best to ignore such blatant attempts to wind you up.  I for one fully appreciate all you do to try and pass on your knowledge to help others still learning so my advice would be rise above it don't let them get you down! :)



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Sorry Chris Astrogate - where have I criticised Tom results in my post? I said they were excellent in a one-liner and you've taken three long posts to discredit me. You really need to chill out and appreciate there are more than just one camera capable of good results. When you're next in UK I'll buy you a beer :-)

Maurice there is really no sense going on about this so I will stop at this point for the sake of this group and move forward. I might be visiting my relatives in Liverpool next year and just may take you up on that beer. My mind is at peace and I really enjoy this hobby.

Clear skies,

Chris Appleton

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Hello Chris,

For what it is worth I would do my best to ignore such blatant attempts to wind you up.  I for one fully appreciate all you do to try and pass on your knowledge to help others still learning so my advice would be rise above it don't let them get you down!  :)



Thank you very much Karl for the support, I really appreciate reading this from you. I do try not to be bias towards one camera over the over and for example I was on NSN last night until 3 am EST helping out David (Moragan Sky) learn how to use his settings correctly in order to get the most out of his camera. The camera btw was a new MKII camera from Astro Video and it just me happy to help him out and hearing the appreciation that he expressed to me. This to me is all about helping others out no matter what camera they own and making video astronomy grow in popularity.

Clear skies,

Chris A


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Hi chris...yes couldn't agree more, you can't put a price on the feeling you get helping someone progress from newbie to an experienced astrovideo astronomer...the whole point of the forum...long live sgl av....davy

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