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Reflector resolution


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Last night under an average sky I set up my 10" reflector,which had been collimated well the day before.With a half moon up, I started the fan and went back inside to watch tv for a bit.Cooled for about 30 min I took my first Lunar peek with the dob.....and I just could not believe the detail seen.Unbelievable.The 8mm Delos and 6mm Delos provided stunning views @ 150x & 200x.To put this short, I never realized that a newtonian reflector could provide such resolution,I always thought of them more of a DSO telescope-but now I am beginning to see their full potential.Amazing. :smiley:

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Resolution is a function of aperture, and with anything above about 6 inches the limit is imposed by atmospheric turbulence. Reflectors typically have more light-scattering and hence lower contrast than refractors (because of diffraction caused by the secondary obstruction) which is why refractors are particularly prized for lunar and planetary observation. But reflectors can still give excellent lunar and planetary views, particularly on a good night with steady seeing.

A 10" aperture (without secondary obstruction) would theoretically resolve down to about 0.6 arcseconds, which would mean being able to see lunar features down to about 2km diameter. With 6" clear aperture you'd be able to see down to about 3.6km, which is still pretty good. And the 6" resolution (0.97 arcsecond) corresponds to the best seeing conditions you're likely to get in practice. So as a rough estimate, with the 10" on the night in question, you would certainly have been seeing details smaller than 10km, and possibly smaller than 5km.

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I agree. My 12" F/5.3 OO dob has delivered the best planetary and lunar views I've ever had. It seems totally comfortable in the 250x - 350x power range. I've even managed to spot the central rille in the Lunar Alpine Valley a few times with it which I've not managed with any other scope I've used.

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