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Mars 25/12 White disc?


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After waiting most of the week for a clear night, the opportunity finally came around last night. And even with the moon out i have to say i had my best nights viewing since i got my new telescope (Skywatcher Skymax127 Supatrak)

My goal last night was to view mars through my scope for the 1st time. It was around 10pm when i was viewing and finally caught sight of it. It viewed as just a white disc though, i thought it may of been something to do with the brightness of the moon or the earths atmosphere in general.

As i only have a 10mm,25mm and a 2x Barlow at the moment is it possible to get any detail of Mars with these eyepieces (on a moonless night) when Mars is in a better position to view? If not, what would be the best size eyepiece to use when viewing Mars and what colour filter would help bring out the best image?

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Wait till a bit later in the evening if weather allows so that Mars is higher. You have less atmosphere to look through and so will get a better view.

Use a red filter if you can - this will show greater contrast between the darker and lighter areas.

Also, try and leave your scope out plenty of time before using it so that it is around the same temp as the outside.

Some nights, even when there is not as cloud in the sky, can have poor seeing and you will be restricted to lower power views. If the stars are really twinkling it's one of those nights.


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Thanks Anthony.

I have got into a routine of taking my scope out to cool down for between 20 minutes and half an hour before i start viewing. Takes me that long to wrap up warm and get everything else i need outside :rolleyes:

Buying some filters and eyepieces will be on the shopping list once i get into astronomy more.

There is still so much to learn but one day i will get there.


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Your telescope is more than capable of picking out mars detail. Coupled with your Barlow, the focal length is up around 3000 mm f22.

The only thing between you and that detail are the sky conditions. Given those, you will be OK. It's mostly a waiting game for those good seeing nights to come along.

Ron. :rolleyes:

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Hi, I have also just bought the SkyMax 127 ... great isn't it?!!. Have had the same problem with Mars but as the others have said it will show itself in time. The weakness of this (and just about every other telescope) is the eyepieces that come with it. After getting a lot of expert (hopefully) advice I have ordered a Baader Hyperion 24mm (£65) which will give a 68 FOV, the maximum for this scope. It should also work well with the barlow - this looks quite good, they are spoiling us!. Clear skies again at the weekend hopefully.

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The advice to wait until Mars is higher up is good. My advice is to do this and see how much detail you can see at high power before trying a filter. You'll be better able to pick out differences in views then.

There is no correlation between twinkling stars and good or bad seeing. Even on nights of bad seeing, there will be moments where seeing will clear up for an instant. You just have to wait for it. If you don't want to wait, chalk it up to bad seeing and go in. If the seeing is generally good, so much the better.

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I was viewing Mars around midnight using my 8" newt & a 4mm orthoscopic eyepiece.

I couldn't use the filter as it had dewed up.

The image at x300 was excellent and the detail I could see was the best I had seen so far.

Keep at it and the views will arrive.



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Still didnt have much luck late last night with viewing Mars Ian. I did think at one point i could see the faintest of detail but then it was just back to being a white disc. Im going to purchase a few filters including #21 Orange to help me out sometime in the next couple of weeks so touch wood they will make a big difference.

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I've just bought a Meade no2 filter set in the hope of seeing some detail on Mars, plus general useage on other stuff. I can get a lovely big disc at x400 on my 8" Newt but there's absolutely no detail at all. In fact the best I've seen Mars was about a week ago when through my 10 mil (x100) I saw two dark patches on the south side of the disc. I guess it's all down to good seeing.

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