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Counterweight bar stop-cap Heq5


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When I received my mount second-hand around a year ago, it didn't come with a stop cap for the end of the counterweight shaft. 

I've used it heavily this year and so far (touch wood) the weights haven't slipped off once. 

Anyway I would quite like to add a stop cap. Anyone know if I have any chance of getting one from a supplier? If not what would be a suitable bolt that would do the trick? 

My mount is the black heq5: www.firstlightoptics.com/skywatcher-mounts/skywatcher-heq5.html



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Thanks for the comments guys!

I just measured the diameter of the hole in the counterweight shaft and it appears to be 12mm. Its an older heq5 so does this sound right?

I assume I now need to look for an M12 bolt? Found one online with a nice knob on the end here: http://www.mossexpress.co.uk/premium-handwheels

I have no clue when it comes to diy so sorry for the stupid questions haha. 

Thanks again,

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Make sure the knob end isn't just a bit of plastic glued on the end, as if the metallic parts are no wider than the counter weight shaft if the weight slips down, it will knock the plastic off and land on the floor (or your toe).


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