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Upgrade skywatcher 200p to 250px

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Hi all. I currently own an 8" skywatcher dobsonian and have been wondering what difference it would make to upgrade to the 10" 250px. Can anyone offer any thoughts on this and whether it is worth the money? I live in an area with moderate light pollution which is where I currently do most of my observing.

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Hi Ben

That's a tough call to make. Yes a 10" will certainly go a bit deeper for DSO's. On planets, I don't think you'd see much difference if I'm honest.

Is it worth it? Well that kinda depends on why your upgrading. If 10" is as big as your ever likely to go then yes it's worth it, but if you see yourself with a large scope one day. I'd stay with the 8". Might as well go straight to a big un in this case.

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I've been using my 200P for a while now & I was given a 250P dob tube with tube rings a few weeks ago. I tried it out & I've managed to see a bit more using it M76 springs to mind as that's one target that I've never seen with the 200P. However if I were to upgrade I'd probably go up to at least a 12" if not more.

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Ok cool. That's kind of what I was expecting but I thought it best to get a majority vote on it. I think I would much rather go for a 12" but at the moment, my finances can't stretch that far and a 2nd hand 10" is just about doable for me hence why I am asking the question. I think I will just start saving up for the 12. Cheers for you help.

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As already said hard call. I am about to go to a 10 inch, but that is coming from a 5 inch, so that's a big jump.  If I had an 8 inch my inkling would be to say wait and jump to 12 if you are okay with weight and size of such an instrument.  Other option, if in good condition, sell the 8 inch and fund it towards a bigger scope perhaps. If you think of buying the 10 inch I don't think the 8 inch would offer anything much extra in terms of functionality that a 10 inch cannot already provide. For example, if buying the SW, they got the same focal length, though faster focal ratio, you'd get the same FOV with current eyepieces with more ( 55%)  light gathering.

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