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Which mount?

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Hello everyone!

Been a member for a while, but this is my first post....

I have a Vixen 110mm modified Mak and looking for a simple sturdy EQ platform.

My research has led me to either the Celestron Omni CG-4 EQ or the SkyWatcher EQ5 Deluxe (which look identical to me).

Do any of you own these/have comment please. I would love to stick around the £200ish mark.

Thanks in advance.

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I have the Omni CG-4, I love it.  The motorised tracking upgrade is good too.  It handles my 150P / 100 refractor fine.  I did try the 8SE on it once but it was a bit of a delicate balancing act, wouldn't recommend it for anything bigger than a 6SE.

One thing about the motorised tracking upgrade package - after doing some digging on the internet it seems that many of the D cells available are in fact just re-packaged AA cells in a large package, the capacity is not nearly as high as it should be for the battery size.  I bought some D cell adaptors which take AA cells, works a treat in the supplied D cell battery holder, although they are fiddly to take in and out so I went one step further - the battery pack is just on the end of a plug, and as I was only using AA batteries anyway I decided to attach an AA battery holder to the end of a wire and plug that would fit the existing connection, so now I have a much smaller battery pack for just a bit of simple soldering and a few Pounds spent at the local electrical hobby shop.  Works just as well, and batteries are much easier to replace.

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Hang on a mo. The CG4 is the equivalent of the Skywatcher EQ3-2 not the EQ5. The CG5 is the equivalent of the EQ5.

Ritchie you are right my old eyes are playing tricks I was sure it said eq3. Nonetheless the cg4 will be more than adequate for the vixen 110

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