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CTB1 - In colour!


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I have been working on this for over a month now and the hope was that by now I'd have the colour for the second pane of the image which shows the new candidate supernova remnant and Sh2-170. Absolutely everything has conspired against me and if I see a clear forecast for another night in a row where it's as cloudy as anything I shall scream! So I have accepted that I probably won't get the other half done for some time - Oh yes, is that a moon I see in the way as well now?!!! I have given up for 2013 on this one I fear.



T: Takahashi FSQ85 0.73x

C: Atik 460EXM, Baader RB and Astrodon 3nm Ha filters

24x1800s Ha

38x300s R

38x300s B

Total integration time 18 hours 20 minutes


Link to hi res, just click on the image http://swagastro.weebly.com/recent-images.html

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No feedback on this image at all?

HaRGB isn't an area that I am that confident in processing, so any pointers where I have gone wrong would be gratefully received. I can absolutely take all criticism. There's clearly something wrong with the image, so if you good folks can tell me, that would be ace :smiley:

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Wow...  There's a HUGE number of stars in here - It looks almost like a widefield!  I'd never heard of CTB1 before you posted the original Ha - It's a VERY interesting object indeed, and I do like the colours you've pulled out in the stars... :smiley:

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HaRGB isn't an area that I am that confident in processing, so any pointers where I have gone wrong would be gratefully received. I can absolutely take all criticism. There's clearly something wrong with the image, so if you good folks can tell me, that would be ace :smiley:

I don't think you've gone wrong at all. The SNR is pretty much the same tone as the gas around it. If it was the mono image it would be easier to localise the contrast. With colour, from what I've seen, it's much more difficult to do as the colour seems to blend it all into one.

Because the Ha is so tight I also think the stars with just blue in them stand out even more. Nothing much to do with you.

Did you use the Ha as a luminance channel or use it in the red ?

This must be one of the hardest targets to do and you've made a very good start on it. If people understood just how faint it is they'd comment more,


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Thanks AndyUK, Dave and Andy - I did use the Ha in the red channel and also as a luminance. I think the balance is just too red? I have to say though that this has knocked my confidence in processing HaRGB targets, so maybe I'll stick with the way out narrowband!!

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Wow - quite a difference Sara. Superb image once more, especially view hight res with the link.

You like this one Francis? Not too blanket red?

Thanks symesie04 - I am my harshest critic after all and the initial silence compounded my fears!!

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You like this one Francis? Not too blanket red?

Sara, I know I made comments about this image before so I went back to the original and made a copy of both so I could see them side by side.

That's why I like this one in preference to the original.

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Hi Sara,

Silly is the last thing I would think or would want others to think - I hold you in very high regard with astro imaging.

That may be Sara but the image above when copied and pasted to the one from the AS site definitely has a more subtle red and star colours are slightly 'bluer'. Its not as if I opened one on a Mac and the other in Windows (then there would be a difference).

If you feel it upsets you then please ask a mod to remove my post from this thread.


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Hi Francis - I meant that tongue in cheek, I'm certainly not offended by it in any way at all. It serves me right I should have put a smiley after it :smiley:

Interesting about the same image being different when you open them, I'm off to try it now :smiley:

** I've just linked to the full res image via AstroShed and then linked to the hi res image here - On my monitor they are exactly the same!** Don't know what's gone on there!

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