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Rarely imaged galaxy groups


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Just in case somebody get bored of nebulae and large galaxies

The NGC68 Group, a galaxy cluster in Andromeda


NGC7726, galaxy group in Pegasus


NGC 383, galaxy group in Pisces


NGC7549 /Arp 99 in Pegasus


Thanks for looking!


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Brilliant stuff Mark, thanks for posting. I love these galaxy clusters. I find them humbling and moving when I consider what they represent. How many worlds and civilisations must be in these images?

The Pisces one is my favourie. If we could get rid of this infernal cloud I am bedeviled where I live I want to give galaxy clusters a go too!

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These are a really nice collection of galaxy images Mark - and I confess I've never heard of one of them before, but there are some real gems in there. All of these would be out-of-bounds for my 4" refractor as you show with the link you've posted above. Of the collection you've posted I especially like NGC 7726 and NGC 7549.


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