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First time - Stephens quintet


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Out again with my new toy the 14 inch darkstar..

I can now stephens quintet...BUT I could only spot three galaxies this time without the aid of a chart. After checking it seems I could see 7318 A/B as one which was the brightest object to me.

Next was 7320 and third was 7319. I am sure I will be able to see 7317 now I know where to look!


I also managed to spot NGC 6269 in Hercules..mag 12...but according to my database is between 100 and 150 mpc away so over 400 million light years away and hence the furthest galaxy I have seen to date.


Also had a look at the veil neb with the 14 inch and filter...wow you can see detail..

Looked at M27...WOW there is the central dwarf star ...mag 13..

So a great night now that the scope is showing stars as nice dots!


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Well done on seeing the Quintet. Definitely worth having a detailed chart or image to hand when trying to identify the individual members. I first viewed the Quintet with an 8" but couldn't see all 5 galaxies. I managed it with a 12", though I found 7319 to be difficult. Here's what I wrote about it in 2009:

7320 is the brightest and easiest of the five, next to pop into view is 7318; and it only took a moment for me to see the two-lobed appearance of the latter, because it is actually 2 galaxies (7318A and 7318B). After spending long enough, I was able to see dark space quite clearly between the pair. The fourth member, 7317, was not too hard either, though a superimposed star helps camouflage it initially. The real toughie, I found, was 7319. In photographs it’s a prominent spiral with a long arm extending outwards a considerable distance, but I could only glimpse it with averted vision.

Looking back at my 8-inch observation, I reckon I saw 7320 and -17, plus -18AB as single (which is how NGC originally listed it anyway). With 12-inches I definitely saw all five, eventually – and felt very pleased about it – but it was harder than I expected.

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