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M2 and a few more.


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Scope Nights app said clear. What a long dark night with kickoff before 9.The ISS floated into the east after 10, am I the only one who gives them a wave ?

Later the whole band of Milky Wayness from Cygnus ( glow ) through Cassiopeia into Perseus and Auriga.

First to Vulpecula and open clusters,

NGC6490 ( faint stars with kite above),which I found nicer than NGC6885 in the same fov as NGC6882. There was some nebulosity and a lovely 4 star system in NGC6823. Some good results with NGC6802,6800 and the "G" of NGC6830.

NGC7006 globular cluster at x48 was found in a polygon of stars and greatly improved at x100. Couldn't leave without M27 glowing in a UHC field. Across to

Delphinus at x100 the globular NGC6934 wasn't impressive until x100. Then across to Corona Borealis and a small almost hidden galaxy,

http://bestdoubles.wordpress.com/2013/07/02/the-multiple-mysteries-of-multiple-stars-oσ-298-and-kza-105/ got this by averted vision and hope.

Across to Hercules and

IC 4593 at x48 another blinking planetary nebula.

Cygnus was by then awash with stars and glowing, UHC in the diagonal and switching eyepieces showed long streamers of the Veil and a loads of other misty patches. Take a tour.

M15 led further down to M2 an absolute cracker of a globular at higher mags.

Perseus was higher in the north and the double cluster was a glowing ball by eye. The galaxy NGC1023 was surprisingly bright cored at x48. Had a look at M34 , although little it is five times more distant than M27.

M34 was gorgeous, often overlooked, but just sparkled.

At the end of Kemble's Cascade is NGC1502 with two bright eyes in the Jolly Roger cluster.Nearby is the lovely Blue Oyster planetary nebula of NGC1501 which was quite bright at x48.Think we're into Camelopardalis here.

Capella and the Kids were rising higher in the north with the Pleiades to the right. Had the first sighting this season of M38,36 and 37.

By then the dew was horrendous as the enormous spider patrolling the living room. One got the hair dryer and the other freedom.

the night was peppered with often long trailed meteors, here's to the glorious 12th and

clear skies,


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Thats an impressive list of objects Nick. I was embedded in the deep south of Scorpius last night under the shade of a maple tree - when i occasionally looked up, the Milky Way in Cygnus did look glorious though as did the two passes of the ISS.


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Nice one Nick :), skies are indeed getting better I am finding. I went out twice, to remove due after the first time. In the first session I observed Albireo, never tried to see the pair for some reason, so far not I've not been into splitting or observing doubles that much, but this it was a nice sight, then visited the Rocking horse, and the rocking horse pattern was clearly revealed under higher mag, followed by a quick hop to the cooling tower to dew up to scope :D

session 2 dew removed:

I also put some time into M2 and M15. The first time also that I finally bagged M110 Yeaah :D By now it was quite high in the sky,I needed averted vision to see it at first, but this time I knew I'd got it for sure, the slope of it, and the tilt with respect to M31 was clear, it is a nice sight indeed to see all three of M32, M31, and M110 in the same 25mm ocular in my scope, it yields around 2.3 degrees FOV. I Revisited M52, salt an pepper from a view days ago, but this time it was more impressive in a way that I thought and hoped it would be under better skies, and so it proved to be, small but beautiful, but more detailed compared to a few days ago :)

Even at the edge of Bristol the skies were that good, I swear that I could clearly see the milkiness in the milky way. At first I thought it was very high thin cloud, but the views were that good I realised it could not be the case, then it suddenly dawned on me that it wasn't high thin cloud, but the glow of the milky way itself, as it followed exactly the line that it should.

Of course I am helped by the fact that the skies facing east and south look away from the city largely into countryside, after 12:30 most of the lights go off now in that direction too ( mostly ) :)

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We face East with good north , blow par south and the house in the way of the west. It's good to watch the constellations rise and circle round the sky.

The last few sessions , the Murky Way has indeed been a glowing Milky Way, brilliant through Cygnus. More night to come and

clear skies,


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Lovely to be out there, especially as the sky is indeed getting a bit darker. Very impressed to see two satellites on collision course . The meteors were quite active....here's to hoping and

clear skies,


I did have that too tonight...2 satellites crossing my FOV in the swan.

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