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Computing with Astronomy.... Arghhh....!!!!!!!!!

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I am about ready to throw my newly reinstalled laptop against the wall in frustration.

Windows 7 x64. 4Gig RAM. ASCOM, EQmod, CdC, PHD, Artemis, AstroTortilla, APT. That's not that much stuff right?

So many issues to fight. Driver windows appearing in the background , handling exceptions, plate solves not working, freezing. I have never had so many PC related issues as a computer users for over 30 years! Maybe I need to trash the whole thing and start again and reinstall Windows. Whats particularly annoying is that I need to use Ascom drivers for my CCD in some pieces of software (AT etc) and there are annoying behaviors as opposed to Artemis which works directly with the CCD.

Used to work spot on with my old setup on XP. One thing that has changed, other than the windows version, is ASCOM. I now have V6 SP2 whereas before I had plain version 6. Finger of suspicion is pointing at that....

Also, so many re-distributable run-time environments are needed for astro field software.... C++ version 2005, then another app installs 2008, then others need Visul Basic Runtime. etc, etc. I am sure these are causing issues and conflict.

Any comments please guys? Any installation order you have found gives a stable experience?

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There's absolutely nothing anyone can suggest because you have provided no information.

All you say is that something has gone wrong. So all that we can say is that something may need to be fixed.

I'm using W764, ASCOM SP2, CdC, PHD, Artemis, multiple focusers, filter wheels, Celestron driver, SGP and it all works.

All I can suggest is to start simple and work up. When you have a problem read the error messages and report them to who you think may be able to help. Try to keep the value judgements out of it.


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The very fact that you have similar software is an answer in itself.... SP2 seems to be stable then? No issues with the APIs it exposes to other software that would imply....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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personally given how many potential issues you can have with an AP setup i keep it as simple as possible. Old Dell laptop running XP (this is used purely for my imaging stripped right down to the basics), Artemis, PHD and EQMOD works everytime without any problems, maybe try an easier setup without all the plate solving ?

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I concure with Chris, without explicit decription of the error message, or code in the event log it is impossible to give you any suggestions of how to resolve the problem. In general there are several options you might want to consider

1) - Format the hard drive and re-install XP and try and get back to the way things were on your old PC... again, you may find you still get driver issues

2) - Format the hard drive and re-install win7, but as a clean basic install without all the bloat ware that gets installed by the manufactures

3) - Download all the latest drivers and software versions and try installing that - often the version you had running on XP may not work correctly under a 64bit OS

I have win 7 running on the observatory PC - EQAscom (EQMod), CdC, APT, QHY5, Sharpcap, autofocuser, webcams etc all work fine.

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My recent problems were power related. My laptop, mount and AC DSLR adaptor did not work well together off the same extension cable even though they fell within the permitted amps. It would appear that I was getting a voltage drop. This manifested itself in a disconnecting DSLR and most frustratingly EQMod communication issues. Before you go reinstalling windows and attempting other lengthy troubleshooting issues you may want to try running the mount off a separate power cable (or battery). Also, you'll need to ensure that .net framework 3.5.1 is current. I too thought it was the new ascom release but it wasn't. I went and bought a whole new laptop! for 70 pound off gumtree :)

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Just to point out, you mention freezing, it has been very hot lately, does it lock up occasionally, needing a reset ?

Laptops are not the best coolers in the business in any case, just to make you aware of it, not saying it is your problem, but if it started recently with the hot weather I would not rule out overheating being part of your problems.

When laptops get old, the fluffies start to build up after a few years, they can overheat very easily when under a small bit of processing load.

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Just to point out, you mention freezing, it has been very hot lately, does it lock up occasionally, needing a reset ?

Laptops are not the best coolers in the business in any case, just to make you aware of it, not saying it is your problem, but if it started recently with the hot weather I would not rule out overheating being part of your problems.

When laptops get old, the fluffies start to build up after a few years, they can overheat very easily when under a small bit of processing load.

With that in mind there is a piece of free software called HWMonitor that will give you the temps of your system, CPU and graphics cards. Very useful tool.

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