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Intergalactic Star Database????

Jiggy 67

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I was very happy with the star I was given.

I realised it did not have any reality, but appreciated the sentiments of the gift giver, who saw it as as a nice way to reflect their wishes towards me while at the same time reflecting my interest in astronomy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Scam or no scam, that seems to be hot issue. Surely if a scam it sets out with intent to actively deceive by giving false or misleading information. The data base appears not to exist and the star naming process seems to be inconclusive, encompassed by the term 'novelty' However if the thought behind a lasting tribute appears genuine to the recipient, and brings well meant long term comfort, then perhaps scam is too strong a word. There are many other ways of showing long-term sympathy which are far less contraversal, just as effective and involve little or no cost,. Sadly in today's world of science and technology there is money to made in the 'emotions' business which is neither regulated or controlled. In the end it's all down to personal choice. 


Edited by Waveguide
Words missing or misspelt
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  • 6 months later...

My daughter named a star for her sister for Christmas just because she wanted to give her something a little different, now when I have gone to look for it on a database, its not there. Tbh, I'm not surprised having read this thread, just feel like one daughter has been robbed of money and the other will now try to find a star that the chances are she will probably never actually find because it's so faint.

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18 minutes ago, Ice Cat said:

My daughter named a star for her sister for Christmas just because she wanted to give her something a little different, now when I have gone to look for it on a database, its not there. Tbh, I'm not surprised having read this thread, just feel like one daughter has been robbed of money and the other will now try to find a star that the chances are she will probably never actually find because it's so faint.

If you can let us know the ID of the star someone might be able to find it for you ?

There are quite a few star catalogues around which you might not be aware of.


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  • 9 months later...


With christmas coming up

If anyone feels compelled to get a star named for someone don't go with the scammers (apparently WH Smiths are among these scammers) 

Go here instead at least your money is going into astronomical research and not some individuals pocket.


Apparently you can also choose your star from what is left so you may have a chance to even see it. 

Cheers all

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