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I was just putting the cars away a couple of nights ago and noticed the beautiful sunset from my driveway along with a very bright star, I initially thought it was a plane (as they pass that way), but quickly realised it was most probably Venus (a planet of course) as there's not much else that shines so bright. A quick check of Stellarium confirmed my thoughts, you can just see Pollux below it to the right. Mercury is also somewhere to the top left of Venus, but not bright enough to be captured. Taken with my Panasonic FZ200.


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Are you sure the dot above the Pylons isn't Mercury? According to my Stellarium, with the Sun just below the horizon a couple of days ago, that's where Mercury should be and Pollux should be above and to the right of Venus.

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Are you sure the dot above the Pylons isn't Mercury? According to my Stellarium, with the Sun just below the horizon a couple of days ago, that's where Mercury should be and Pollux should be above and to the right of Venus.

If the photo was taken in the UK you would be spot on but as its taken in Australia everything is upside down! :) Mercury will be lurking behind that pesky tree on the left.
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In that case, Mercury should be below left from Venus, behind the tree perhaps. I've flipped stellarium upside down, but the world doesn't make sense that way up!

I think that probably explains a lot about Australians!
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I didn't notice your signature at first, which is why I thought it was a Northern Hemisphere image. Stellarium looks all wrong when set up for the Southern hemisphere, but I am envious of some of your night sky objects!

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Since the magnetic pole flips, we could all be the right way up, just not at the same time!

The only real way to know which way the true 'Up' is, is to hope that two alien space craft meet each other near our planet so we can observe. This is because anyone who watches Sci-Fi knows that in space there's a universal 'Up' so space craft always meet the same way up.

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Since the magnetic pole flips, we could all be the right way up, just not at the same time!

The only real way to know which way the true 'Up' is, is to hope that two alien space craft meet each other near our planet so we can observe. This is because anyone who watches Sci-Fi knows that in space there's a universal 'Up' so space craft always meet the same way up.

yes, the Enterprise always flies and orbits planets the right way up for example!
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