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The last two I sold, the 9mm & 13mm, I accepted £140 & £145 respectively. That was a couple of years ago though and they seem to fetch a bit more now. I still wouldn't pay more than £160-£170 for a mint boxed example.

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At one time Naglers would fly, but times have changed a bit - good cheaper alternatives like ES and the fashion for ever wider views. Nearer the £150 mark is more realistic I feel. I sold one for about that in the winter and will i think be selling another soon.


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it depends on how quickly they need the money e.g. is it to pay for something else they have committed to buy? factors affecting price are:

  • whether the seller has already said they will buy something else and needs to now sell the eyepiece to pay for it.
  • whether the seller just needs to sell 'whenever' or needs the funds due to personal circumstances
  • how much the buyer wants that particular eyepiece
  • do they rarely come up for sale?
  • the price the seller originally paid - if new they will make a loss, if used there's hardly any loss so maybe some room for reducing price

so no different to anything else really! there are of course many other factors but in short if the seller needs funds quickly they should offer at a lower price than the norm - even £5 can somehow make one eyepiece far more attractive than another of the same type condition etc - I find this bizarre really as the seller is as important to me - much sooner buy from someone I know. if the seller can wait then put it on at the highest likely price and wait. someone will eventually make an offer.

I agree that generally £150-170 depending on condition is about right for a T6 Nagler in excellent to very good condition with box and original caps. Bizarrely like many people I am put off by non original caps or no box so this affects price too. That said, if the price is good then I live with it.

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Not exactly the same but my friend who runs Camtech and sells cameras and the like once told me a box is worth 20 quid to the selling price of an item and will always sell quicker. He must know hes been doing it years.


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Not exactly the same but my friend who runs Camtech and sells cameras and the like once told me a box is worth 20 quid to the selling price of an item and will always sell quicker. He must know hes been doing it years.


When we were moving house my wife asked why I had 2 carrier bags full of empty boxes. I explained that At £5-20 each they were probably worth keeping :evil:

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Not exactly the same but my friend who runs Camtech and sells cameras and the like once told me a box is worth 20 quid to the selling price of an item and will always sell quicker. He must know hes been doing it years.


I guess having the original box can reassure the buyer that the camera was not stolen. When a camera is stolen, it's usually stolen on the street or in a burglary. It's unlikely he will get hold of the box which is kept at home and separate from the camera.

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