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Sweet deal or no?


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Since im a college student, I had not been planning on getting an astrophotography set up for a while. I love my Dob 10" and was happy with it for now. I came across a pretty good deal on CL a few days ago. A CG-5 motorized mount with 8" Newtonian telescope. I know its not ideal for imaging, my plan was to get a NEQ-6 & ED-80, but the lister was selling for $ 200 because he said the motor was not working and the bolts were stripped. I ended up running him down to $180 and have been fixing it up all day.

After doing research I assumed the altitude adjustment bolt was bent. Apparently its a very common problem. It took a few long and painful hours to get it out! (Image below: Theres been a lot of discussion on this, message me if you want to know how I did it). Luckily the threads weren't stripped.

The motor was fine, just needed to be taken apart and properly mounted.

Anyways, this is my first set up like this and I'm very excited. Im still trying to figure out how to use this, any tips and suggestions would be appreciated. I plan on using my DSLR for imaging. And finally, did I get a good deal or no?



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If you're going to keep that tripod, fill it up with fine sand... I've done it on mine and I would say that 99% of the vibrations are gone now. It was a night/day difference.

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Is it as simple as pouring the cement or sand in from the openings or should I disassemble the tripod first? I would think transporting the tripod would be quite messy if I used sand since it would pour out of the top of the tripod?

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