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Battery pack...food for thought.


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First of all I am by no means saying it is a better idea to use the battery pack that comes with motorised mounts than buy a powerpack/ leisure battery whatever.

Just food for thought though:

I purchased the mount back in October. (Heq5)

I have used it most clear nights since then not just for visual but also imaging Jupiter and the moon many times and Saturn recently. Even the quickest imaging session for me means at least an hours tracking.

The D batterys aren't anything special just normal duracells.

I haven't changed them yet (I'm sure I would remember if I had as I dont have 8 D's lying around the house), they haven't run out yet and the other day I realised this as it tracked Saturn for a couple of hours.

I'm sure guiding would take more out of them but thats pretty good eh!


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It is not so surprising as these cells have a capacity between 12Ah and 18Ah.

I have started using some LiPo cells of 4Ah capacity and they seem to work well. And of course they can just be taped to one of the tripod legs, safe, out of the way and little wiring to get tangled.

But do use one of these to save discharging them too far: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/New-7-4V-11-1V-Lipo-Battery-low-voltage-Alarm-Indicator-6W-MR16-led-light-Bul-A-/130845241469?pt=UK_Toys_Games_Outdoor_Toys_ET&hash=item1e76fbf07d

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I presume you are referring to the more basic, tracking-only version of the HEQ5? This could be the source of the confusion in the replies so far - people may have assumed you referred to a GOTO mount, which would be expected to use up batteries much more quickly.

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That's pretty good going for a set of "D" cells - however when you replace them you may want to consider a rechargable lead acid battery (and charger). If you rig this up - easy to do if you have basic DIY skills) then the total cost will be about the same as 2 sets of "D" cells. The good thing is, apart from being considerably cheaper in the long run, you know that you always have a fully charged battery ready to use.

Is your HEQ5 the basic dual axix motor version? If so it is probably 6v (four D cells) rather than the more common 12v used on most mounts.

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Oh yes its tracking only.

But I am still surprised, still going strong. It is the standard heq5 and uses 8 D cells. I bought it second hand but its clearly this one; http://www.firstlightoptics.com/skywatcher-mounts/skywatcher-heq5.html

I definitely agree that not only cost wise but just ease wise a leisure battery or similar would be better, but I was expecting these batteries to have run out aaaages ago.

Now I can't stop thinking that its suddenly going to stop tracking, but I want to see how long they last so I have 8 D cells as back up :)


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It is not so surprising as these cells have a capacity between 12Ah and 18Ah.

I have started using some LiPo cells of 4Ah capacity and they seem to work well. And of course they can just be taped to one of the tripod legs, safe, out of the way and little wiring to get tangled.

But do use one of these to save discharging them too far: http://www.ebay.co.u...=item1e76fbf07d

Thats what I use also- 4s 5000mah Turnigy 20C ,lasts like forever and seem more resistant to cold weather than lead acid batteries- the voltage at peak is about 16.8V but both the Meade and Skywatcher electronics cope ok with that.. Will add that these are over 2 yrs old-used them in rc helicopters/planes -provided you know how to charge and look after lipo's,they can reward a long life..

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When my EQ5 just had RA and Dec motor drives I used the 6V power pack - 4D cells - and they lasted for ever. Now I sold those - to an idiot who connected them to 12V and burnt them out - and bought a Synscan goto that requires a decent 12V supply - I plug into my car jump starter gizmo - no problems at all!! Last for hours and hours.

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