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M65 1h50m with Explorer 200 PDS and 550D


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Was able to finally capture this target yesterday.

It was a little windy, so i was forced to put up my scope right next to my house. While this took care of the wind, it also made me unable to polar align as i couldn't see polaris anymore.

So I Did a rough "polar alignment" by eye, as in stepping back a few meters to see polaris and roughly point mount in that direction, and started to align.

Not surpricingly i couldn't run exposures as logn as i wanted. Tried 15 min subs first, but ended up with 2.5 min being the longest i could do without trails.

So i started capturing 150sec subs, and kept doing so for about 3 hours. By then both the nearly full moon was up, and the target was behind some trees.

I'm still struggeling a bit with the color balance of this target, but got it withing acceptable range now at least.

I wich i had more data on this target, but for less then 2 hours worth of data on a DSLR i'm absolutely satisfied. :)

Total exposure 1 hour 50 min @ ISO 800 with 550d.

2 versons attached as one of them looked horrible on this computer after uploading, while other looks like it was supposed to. Wich one does you guys prefer? :)

Higher resolution 15MB PNG verson available here.

Edit: fixed some gradient on the picture.



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